To Subscribers
Welcome to a Different Kind of News
Hi there, Epoch VIP!
It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.
We’re really excited to have you here so you can experience The Epoch Times for yourself – and see if we live up to the hype.
You may already know that we do journalism a little differently; maybe that’s why you’re here. In our reporting, we always try to distill a story down to the facts and get readers as close to the truth as we can. We like to think that it’s the greatest responsibility we shoulder as media in today’s rapidly changing world (and we’re quite proud of it!).
But of course, we’re not here to tell you what to think about us. That’s not what we think media should do.
Instead, we’d suggest you find some quiet time, take a comfortable seat and have a look at our content – from news and opinion to food, mind & body as well as life & tradition. We’re firm believers in letting our work speak for itself, which leaves room for our readers to be the true judges of whether we’ve done a good job.
That said, we’re always open to feedback as being media isn’t simply about disseminating information: it’s about participating in a bigger societal conversation. And there’d be no conversation if someone wasn’t on the other side reacting to our articles. The way we see it, we’re always in a partnership with our readers–with your suggestions and support, we hope to deliver a more improved reading experience for you every week.
All this is why when you subscribe, you don’t just become a subscriber: you become the newest team member in our journey to bring back traditional, fact–based journalism.
And we’d love to have you onboard. Judging by the fact that you’re reading this letter now, we think you have excellent taste.
Honest Journalism is Always "Essential"
Greetings, Epoch VIP, and welcome to your print edition of The Epoch Times!
This might be your first time actually meeting us in person, which is great! Not that our online edition isn’t just as good, but there’s nothing quite like the feel of a good old-fashioned newspaper in your hands over a cup of coffee—at least, in our opinion.
And don’t worry; while we do have many opinions of our own, we do our best to put them in our editorial and op-ed sections where opinions belong. Our news reporting is reserved for facts that we can prove with credible sources, so that we can deliver you an accurate, unbiased, and comprehensive picture of what’s going on in the world today.
We’re believers in the idea that news reporting should inspire people of all different opinions to think independently and speak up, instead of being silenced in favor of a majority narrative.
That’s why our job stops after we give you the facts: your reactions, emotions, and opinions are all your own. Maybe a report on injustice might sadden you, perhaps it might make you angry, perhaps you might want to do your own research and then decide. Maybe one of our lifestyle articles might make you laugh, or it might make you nostalgic. Maybe one of our mind and body articles will get you to think about life in a way you didn’t before.
We don’t know what your reaction will be, but what we do hope is that the paper in your hands inspires you to have an open, honest conversation—with your friends and family, with society, or even with us.
Tell us if you agree, let us know if you disagree, write a letter to our editors; we’d love to hear from you. For we believe that freedom of expression is the fire that forges a society’s best ideas, and that principle is also what drives the kind of classic American journalism we want to restore to the limelight.
So let’s bring back news that’s accountable to its readers. Let’s bring back the dialogue that comes with getting the paper in the morning. Let us know if we’re putting our money where our mouth is, because we want to prove that “truth and tradition” isn’t just a motto.
With you on our side, we hope to get even better at living out that motto every day.
Welcome to a Tradition Two Centuries in the Making
Hello there, Epoch VIP! We’re thrilled to have you here with us.
We hope this paper finds you well—especially in today’s world. There are new developments almost every day, with different interpretations coming from all different factions. It’s a situation which makes it quite difficult to see what our future looks like as a country, and as a society.
In times like these, we believe that the best way to ground ourselves is to look into the past and see what’s worked for our forefathers. That’s why you may have heard that our motto is “truth and tradition,” or that we’re bringing back “traditional American journalism.”
To us, this means that our work is guided by the same values and ideals that have guided our nation for centuries: values like honesty, trust, faith, and compassion; ideals like freedom of expression, independent thought, equality, and unalienable rights.
We hope that when you read our paper, you’ll be able to see these ideals and values reflected in our articles. We hope, as they’ve done for us, that they can give you strength and tranquility in this trying time.
Because to us, you’re more than a subscriber, or a reader. You’re one of our allies in the preservation of the greatest things that humanity has to offer—our history, our morals, our beliefs, our classics. You’re an ally in our mission to ensure that the wisdom of our ancestors can be passed down to our progeny, that generations of Americans to come will be able to understand the words left to us by our founding fathers.
And please don’t hesitate to let us know if there’s anything we could be doing better—whether it’s in our reporting, our design or our customer service. The task of preserving history isn’t an easy one and we’d like to get things as close to perfect as we possibly can. With you on our side, we hope to make even faster progress in the right direction.
Thank you for being a reader and thank you for being an ally in our quest for traditional American journalism. You give us a reason to exist.
A Media That Puts You First
Hello, Epoch VIP—and welcome to this week’s issue of The Epoch Times!
We’re incredibly grateful that you’re holding this paper in your hands right now. In fact, that’s the moment most of us look forward to each week, whether we’re in the field reporting on the latest news or in the bullpen rushing late—night proofs to the presses.
All of our work is done with this fact in mind—the fact that every Thursday, a reader like you will pick up our paper and look both to be informed by the truth and inspired by tradition. It’s a fact that lets us take pride in the work we do, and also a fact that motivates us to push ourselves a little harder every day.
If this is your first time getting our paper in the mail, that’s wonderful! As this will be the baseline for you to evaluate us by, we hope you can take a good look. From here on out, the hope is that you’ll find us becoming a better read with each week.
To that end, consider us always at your service. As an independent media, we’re not backed by any corporation or multimillion—dollar holding company, so you—our readers—are truly the people to whom we answer. We’re honored to have so many Americans depending on us as an honest window to the world, and it’s a duty we don’t take lightly.
Feel free to contact us for anything from issues with your subscription to a suggestion for a new column. Let our editors know if anything can be even more accurate. Use our social media to post new ideas. Our ears are peeled: we’re trying to bring truth and tradition back into vogue again, and we’d love any help we can get.
Aside from “very informed person,” Epoch VIP has a second meaning for us. You are also indeed a very important person—not just to us, but to the rest of the nation. You’re a person who values honesty, freedom of thought and the goodness humanity has passed down from generation to generation since its oldest days. And for such a person, we’d gladly give our all.
Thank you for reading and for being a subscriber. Most of all, thank you for giving us hope that a media rooted in honesty can thrive in today’s society.
Making the Most of Your Subscription
Thomas Jefferson once wrote that “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.”
He then closes off that section of his letter with “Where the press is free and every man able to read, all is safe.”
Even though it has been centuries since our third president penned those words, I believe that his vision is still worth realizing. It’s why I work at The Epoch Times, and also why I’m truly thankful for every subscriber we have.
Each and every one of you makes our rights as Americans that much more secure. For you—and many other subscribers like you—are seeking truth, justice, and the traditional values that have guided humankind since antiquity. That desire protects not just you, but also our society, against forces that seek to take away the freedoms that we’ve been granted.
We share in that desire here at The Epoch Times. It’s probably why you’re here. Our articles contain information that’s free from the influence of big tech, of corporate media, and of socialist and communist forces so that people like you can have the knowledge they need to preserve our rights.
So I’d like to ask a favor—please make some time each week to sit down with The Epoch Times and read a few articles. Know the contents, so that when chatting with friends, family, or colleagues, you can share this information.
No man is an island. Every truly informed person makes our society that much more informed, and an informed society is one where the people’s freedoms are safe.
Breaking Through Media Censorship, One Share at a Time
In today’s America, censorship and cancel culture are eroding the basic foundations of our republic. Viewpoints that comply with the mainstream narrative are allowed to spread—even if they are based on untrue information—while all other voices are shut out.
But you can turn things around by sharing the facts with the people you know, and helping spread the word about The Epoch Times and our website. Every share is a blow against censorship and a stand for a free press and free expression.
Share the quick facts below with at least 10 friends or family through a phone call, email, text message, or even on social media.
- TheEpochTimes.com is the most-visited website among all non-corporate media with traditional American values*
- Its tagline is Truth and Tradition
- It is free from any influence by any political organizations, governments, or businesses.
- The Epoch Times is the fastest-growing media in the United States and reports the facts without fear or favor.
Preserving Our Values for the Next Generation
Unimaginable Change
You know about the state of our nation.
Day after day, freedoms are taken from us. The words, and even the reputations, of our Founding Fathers are being twisted.
The concepts of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness have morphed into something working to silence and bind us.
What’s more is that our nation is experiencing an erosion of family values, the desecration of morality—and most of all, the increasing dominance of socialist and communist factors in our government and broader society.
Our great nation, with its ideals of individual liberty and the freedom to build our own lives, is becoming “free” in name only and slowly being dragged down by the specter of communism.
At this rate, our grandchildren may grow up in a country that’s far different from the America we knew.
An Antidote
This potential future worries us. But it also drives us to work harder—because our work here at The Epoch Times is part of this poison’s antidote.
Our society’s demoralization comes down to one source: communist ideology in its myriad forms and with its ultimate goal of destroying human morality. When we as Americans clearly see and heartily reject this evil force, we can win this battle.
Massive Challenges
For months, Americans faced the threat of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Virus. More than 100,000 Americans lost their lives, while millions more lost their livelihoods. In a matter of weeks, our booming economy took a massive hit.
And before we were able to recover, the communist-extremist group Antifa took advantage of civil unrest. They began to incite violence, burning homes and small businesses across dozens of cities. These extremist movements now call for radical changes to America’s legal system— including abolishing the police.
The Root Cause
These happenings remind us that communism did not disappear with the fall of the Soviet Union. It’s still alive today, and its aim is to silence people, crush our spirits and destroy the traditional values of our human society.
Despite having taken on different forms throughout the past century, communism’s destructive nature never changes. Communism is a poison which aims to snuff out the best parts of humanity using any and all tactics: the ends always justify the means.
The Epoch Way
We’ve lived through this before. Many of us here at The Epoch Times have been victims of communism and have witnessed firsthand how fear and ignorance are manipulated—turning good, decent people into willing slaves.
Our motto is “Truth and Tradition,” the opposite of communist thought. From our founding, we’ve stood against the lies, deceit and rejection of humankind’s collective history that communism foments.
A Bumpy Road
In 2000, soon after we began publishing, the Chinese Communist Party arrested, jailed and tortured 10 of our China-based journalists.
Over the years, our journalists have been shot at, threatened and imprisoned. Our offices have been robbed and even set on fire. They keep trying to silence us, but we will never be silenced.
Our journalists have the courage and fortitude to investigate and report stories that most media won’t. And because we call into question the “established” narratives when facts don’t seem to line up, we’ve been further attacked, demonetized and de-platformed by some giant tech companies, legacy news outlets and service providers.
So what we’re doing is not simply reporting stories or conducting investigations.
We are holding the line.
And it’s working. Despite major resistance, we’ve become the fastest-growing newspaper in the United States.
The Honest News Renaissance
If you’re looking for an honest source of news that brings you the facts and let you make up your own mind, then The Epoch Times is your best choice. Your subscription won’t only bring honest news directly to your doorstep—it will also contribute to the revival of American journalism and help safeguard our freedoms for future generations.
In Truth and Tradition,
The Epoch Times