Wayne Allyn Root, Nicky Billou Publish Consumer Guide for Conservatives

Wayne Allyn Root, Nicky Billou Publish Consumer Guide for Conservatives
Hector Ponte shops for cleaning supplies in a Home Depot store in Miami on May 17, 2016. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
Roger L. Simon

Well written though they are, the introductory essays in Wayne Allyn Root and Nicky Billou’s recently published “The Great Patriot BUY-cott Book: The Great Conservative Companies to BUY From & Invest In!” might be found by Epoch Times readers to be a bit of “déjà vu all over again.”

The subjects of “woke,” COVID-19, the border crisis, Russiagate, economic decline, election integrity, Jan. 6, and so forth have been covered extensively in this paper, where there’s more room to drill down on them.

But that’s not why you should buy this book—and you absolutely should!

Messrs. Root and Billou have provided a first-rate and necessary handy consumer guide for all of us who wish to strike back with our wallets at what’s arguably the most reactionary and destructive movement in American history.

We can do that by patronizing our friends and avoiding woke companies that were the target of their previous book, “The Great Patriot Protest & Boycott Book.”

That one was worthy—Root told me in a phone conversation that he takes pride in their contribution to the exposure of woke Disney—but the new book is more important, he says, because it shows readers where to go in a positive sense.

Rewarding your friends, the side of good, is better for the country and ultimately for the soul than simply boycotting your enemies.

You can wait months to vote in the primaries and the election, or you can start to vote now—with your money.

While others have attempted this approach, I found Root and Billou’s to be the most effective because they list, in order, 123 praiseworthy companies to patronize—in each case accompanied by an explanation of why they were chosen.

These explanations are key because, in many cases, you won’t know the companies—at least I didn’t. In other cases, you'll know them but be pleasantly surprised to find familiar names having been selected for having the right—non-ESG (environmental, social, and governance), non-DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion)—values, as well as having made positive contributions to conservative causes.

Some examples pleasing to me were Dillard’s department stores and Publix supermarkets, both of which happen to have branches in my neighborhood. I was also happy to learn that ADT—whose security system we inherited from our home’s previous owner—passed muster.

I’m not going to go through the entire list because you owe it to the authors who have done the work to assemble it to buy the book.

You may quarrel with their exact order—in fact, you probably will. But that’s to be expected and may be part of the fun.

The Epoch Times was ranked 14th of the 123, when I would have placed it No. 1 or 2—but I’m obviously biased. It was No. 1 among newspapers and far above Fox News Channel (FNC), which, at 91, has lately come under considerable criticism from conservatives.

While praising Tucker Carlson, Mark Levin, and other Fox stalwarts, the authors wrote of the network: “However, they are moving more left and anti-Trump. They refused to allow straight talk on either stolen elections or vaccine mandates. Paul Ryan on their Board is a vicious anti-Trumper. There are problems at FNC. But they remain the highest-rated channel for conservative viewers.”

The authors noted that they'll “keep an eye” on FNC, as they should. But in all, the evaluations of media companies—although good fodder for debate—are less useful than the recommendations of specific consumer-oriented companies in a variety of areas.

If anything, the list is too short. One obvious example is that at this moment, we could use more recommendations for decent, non-woke banks, especially if they’re solvent.

Both authors told me on the phone that they’re looking to expand the list with a new book, a website, or both.

One idea is to allow owners to nominate their businesses for inclusion; a system would be established to vet those proposals to make sure those companies really were what they said they were.

If this expansion were successful, we could be assured that almost every dollar we spend would be going in the right (pun intended) direction, from our dry cleaners to the local hamburger joint.

That may seem an extreme way to live, but the other side, through its cancel culture, has given us little choice.

Now if there were only an alternative to the IRS.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Prize-winning author and Oscar-nominated screenwriter Roger L. Simon’s latest of many books is “American Refugees: The Untold Story of the Mass Exodus from Blue States to Red States.” He is banned on X, but you can subscribe to his newsletter here.
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