By Labeling Various Republicans as ‘Liars,’ Democrats Expose Their Fears

By Labeling Various Republicans as ‘Liars,’ Democrats Expose Their Fears
Attorney General nominee William Barr testifies on the first day of his confirmation hearing in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee at the Capitol in Washington on Jan. 15, 2019. Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times
Elad Hakim

Republicans need to face the music. They’re all liars and there’s nothing they can do about it. At least that’s what congressional Democrats want the American public to believe.

Since the day that President Donald Trump took office, Democrats have engaged in a pattern of abuse against various Republicans, culminating with the dreaded “liar” label being affixed to their name.

Could it be that congressional Democrats have a crystal ball that allows them to “spot” those who incessantly lie? This is highly unlikely. Rather, the fact that congressional Democrats consistently accuse Republicans of lying is a desperate attempt to hide their failures and their fears of what lies ahead.

The most recent name that was added to the dreaded “list” is Attorney General William Barr, who, according to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii), lied to Congress. Barr is in good company and joins the ranks of Trump, who allegedly lied about his involvement with the Russians (remember the Russia collusion narrative?) and Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who allegedly lied about his alleged sexual assault of Christine Blasey Ford.
As we now know, Democrats were wrong on each occasion. Specifically, there has been no evidence that Barr lied to Congress. As National Review editor Andrew McCarthy wisely pointed out in a recent article on Fox News:

“The Democrats’ perjury/contempt/impeachment slander against Barr is based on the fact that, in prior congressional testimony, Barr was asked whether Mueller agreed with Barr’s conclusions about the report, including that there was insufficient evidence to charge obstruction. Barr replied that he did not know whether Mueller agreed. Democrats now contend that Barr must have known Mueller disagreed because he had Mueller’s letter. But Mueller’s letter doesn’t say he disagreed with Barr’s conclusion—it says he was unhappy with how his work was being perceived by the public.”

Nor did Trump lie about the now-debunked Russia collusion narrative that Democrats pushed for more than two years. As a matter of fact, not only was Trump truthful, some evidence suggests that Mueller knew about the absence of any collusion prior to the midterm elections, yet intentionally withheld this information to hurt Republicans.

Of course, this exoneration of the president was devastating to congressional Democrats, many of whom believe that Trump is a pathological liar. The narrative that they tried to sell for more than two years was eviscerated and they needed another lifeline.

Finally, congressional Democrats’ persistence that Kavanaugh was lying during his confirmation process and that Blasey Ford was telling the truth was also incorrect. Democrats assumed that Kavanaugh wasn’t being forthright, despite the absence of any corroborating evidence. One senator even indicated that the presumption of innocence didn’t apply to Kavanaugh. As we now know, not only were the allegations against Kavanaugh unsubstantiated, some were even intentionally fabricated by the accusers.

It’s hard to believe that congressional Democrats were unaware that no lying had occurred on these three occasions.

While mistakes happen, they are unlikely to happen on three separate occasions involving such high-profile individuals. This is especially true in light of the vast and powerful resources that are available to Congress.

The obvious question that stems from these three incidents is why?

Why would congressional Democrats so quickly question the honesty and integrity of these three individuals and other prominent Republicans? While there are several reasons why they would do so, two are of particular concern.

Hate and Fear

The first is quite obvious and stems from their strong dislike of Trump and their desire to remove him from office. Toward this end, they couldn’t afford to allow Trump to enjoy individual victories. Kavanaugh was a Trump nominee and his confirmation would be a victory for the president. As such, Democrats decided to do anything in their power to defeat his nomination at all costs.
Barr was also a Trump appointee, whom many Democrats supported before Trump appointed him. His appointment was a success for the president. Additionally, once Barr reported the main conclusions of Mueller’s two-year investigation and eviscerated the Russia collusion narrative, this signified another victory for the president, which the Democrats couldn’t allow. As such, they began to attack Barr and accuse him of lying.
The second, and arguably more pressing, reason why congressional Democrats would immediately accuse Trump and Barr of lying is out of desperation or fear. As reported by Fox News, during his recent testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Barr indicated that there are “multiple criminal leak investigations” underway related to the handling of the Trump–Russia investigation.

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) advised in April that he had sent a notice about multiple criminal referrals to the Department of Justice, some of which pertained to leaks.

Nunes told Fox News, “There’s five direct referrals based on lying, obstruction, congressional investigation, and leaking. We have a global leaks referral, which involves just a few reporters but could involve multiple people. I don’t think it’s that many people because I think they probably only have a few sources within these agencies. And then you have conspiracy referrals. One is based on the manipulation of intelligence. The second one is based on FISA abuse and other matters. And so, that’s where we stand.”

In addition to Barr’s investigations and Nunes’s criminal referrals, some congressional Democrats are also likely concerned about the pending Department of Justice (DOJ) inspector general’s report.

According to a Townhall article regarding a podcast interview with former Trump deputy assistant Sebastian Gorka:

“[Gorka thinks] the campaign to destroy Barr stems from the Left’s fear that he’s the chief legal enforcement official who will be in office when the DOJ Inspector General’s report on the alleged FISA abuses is released. It’s coming soon, and Dr. Gorka said he heard it’s going to be a ’scorcher.’

“The usual suspects, [former FBI agent] Peter Strzok, [former CIA Director] John Brennan, [former FBI Deputy Director] Andrew McCabe, and others are included, and serious ramification could occur as a result.”

Finally, in an interview with Fox News, Trump has indicated that he intends to declassify devastating documents relating to spying and controversial surveillance warrants “pretty soon,” thereby adding to Democrats’ worries.

Together, these various elements have created a possible tsunami for congressional Democrats (and those who played a role in this attempted coup), who have been left with no other alternative but to deflect attention from the possible upcoming storm for purposes of self-preservation.

Piers Anthony, an English American author, once said, “When one person makes an accusation, check to be sure he himself is not the guilty one. Sometimes, it is those whose case is weak who make the most clamor.”

Anthony’s theory will most definitely be tested in the coming months.

Elad Hakim is a writer, commentator, and practicing attorney. His articles have been published in The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, The Epoch Times, The Western Journal, American Thinker, and other online publications.
Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Elad Hakim
Elad Hakim
Mr. Hakim is a political commentator and writer who is fluent in both English and Hebrew. His articles have been published in The Federalist, The Western Journal, American Thinker, World Net Daily, Sun-Sentinel, The Epoch Times and other online publications.
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