Brittany Higgins has crashed from her pedestal, potentially bringing with her key government ministers. The silencing of proper public debate about the weaponization of this pivotal rape case has ended, revealing widespread community contempt about the way this has all been handled.
When we look back at what caused it all to fall apart, no one will forget the widely exposed video footage of Senator Katy Gallagher, the current finance minister, shown in June 2021 attacking then-Defence Minister Linda Reynolds for daring to suggest she knew about the Higgins rape allegation two weeks before it first surfaced publicly.
“How dare you?” Gallagher said with indignation.
However, now we have evidence from a five-hour chat recorded weeks before the Higgins sexual assault allegations first hit the media that strongly suggests Gallagher may have allegedly known about the matter from the start but also, according to the text messages, was “really invested” in using the issue to attack the Coalition government. At least that is according to Higgins’ boyfriend, David Sharaz, a former journalist and alleged friend of Gallagher.
And she appears to have allegedly lied about this in Senate Estimates—setting herself up for a charge of misleading parliament.

Get that?
She’s charging Dutton with launching a political attack for calling the government to account for Labor’s use of the Higgins matter for the vile political attack which brought down the previous government.
Labor achieved this by falsely claiming a government coverup of the rape allegation—another vile political attack.
Enough to do your head in?
New Revelations Keep Streaming In
The stories keep coming.It ended with a confidential settlement, but unfortunately, the statement hammered out by the two teams of lawyers who achieved that result gives the impression that Lehrmann simply discontinued the action.
Does this amount to a compensation payout and correction? Looks like a duck, and swims like a duck...

But now’s certainly the time for pressure to be put on the Walkley Award organisation to ensure Maiden’s Award is revoked.
Sure, they did—with an offer of $5,000!
Turning Point for Both Parties
As for Lehrmann’s Spotlight interview, his decision to go public at this stage was prompted by various media outlets jockeying over who would release extracts from the audio recording of the five-hour meeting between Higgins, her boyfriend David Sharaz, television personality Lisa Wilkinson and her producer. In it, they plan to employ Labor politicians in their campaign to use the rape allegation to bring down the Morrison government.For example, one comment from Higgins, when she is speaking about the former prime minister, declared: “He’s about to be [explicative] over. Just wait. We’ve got him.”
Including that critical audio recording in the Channel Seven television interview was bound to be a turning point—as it has indeed proved to be. For the first time, Lehrmann is being stopped in the street by people telling him they now believe his side of the story.
Nothing has undermined Higgins’ already shredded credibility as effectively as the image of her in the Seven interviews, skipping cheerfully through security at parliament house, showing no sign of the drunken stupor she claimed she was allegedly experiencing in her statements to police.
Now this has become the political story of the week, with Reynolds promising to refer Higgins’ compensation to the National Anti-Corruption Commission.

Merritt explains this made it impossible for officials running that process to “properly discharge their duty to protect the financial interests of the Commonwealth,”—which could result in criminal sanctions.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is now protecting Gallagher by claiming the decision was made entirely by Attorney General Mark Dreyfus using his “exceptional circumstances provision”—where normal rules need not apply.
We’ll see how that goes.
There’s blood in the water, and the Opposition is stepping up, promising to pursue this agenda with talk about possible Senate inquiries as well as the referral to the Anti-Corruption Commission.
This perhaps speaks volumes about how Brittany Higgins has fallen from grace.