Beijing’s fear-mongering about COVID-19 is relentless, but can be countered through focused efforts. The international community shouldn’t buy China’s claims to leadership in combating the pandemic.
Chinese state-run media are relentless in conveying the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) propaganda narratives about the SARS-CoV-2 virus, including the supposedly effective containment and treatment methods, while continuing to propagate fear-mongering and authoritarian actions such as lockdowns.
- “China has successfully contained dozens of sporadic COVID-19 resurgences over the past year or so, ensuring a balance between epidemic prevention and economic development.”
- “The COVID-19 pandemic situation across the world remains grave with increasing virus mutations, and there hasn’t been any significant drop in the mortality rate associated with the disease.”
- “Inadequate preventive measures will lead to a resurgence of the COVID-19 outbreak, and the number of severely ill patients and deaths will continue to increase, which was seen in several countries.”
- “China should stick to its current strategy of clearing COVID-19 infections in a timely manner.”
The first claim cannot be proven, as China has refused to report virus-related clinical data and statistics to the outside world since early 2020. And this claim would seem to be contradicted by state-run Chinese media reporting of new outbreaks of COVID-19 in Northeast China in recent weeks.
“The current round of COVID-19 outbreaks has affected 21 provincial-level regions. ... The Chinese mainland reported 70 new locally transmitted COVID-19 cases in six provinces, including Liaoning, Hebei and Heilongjiang, on Saturday, the National Health Commission said on Sunday,” China Daily reported on Nov. 15.
Below is a graphical depiction of the spread of the so-called “Delta variant” in Northern China. This does not appear to be “successful containment” at all.
The answer is the continuation of CCP psychological warfare against the United States in particular. The constant fear-mongering narrative reinforces authoritarian lockdowns and vaccination mandates around the world and enables the CCP to claim, without evidence or proof, that China is leading the world in responding to COVID-19. In reality, the most damaging effect of the pandemic is its weaponization and use in forwarding the CCP goal of the enslavement of average citizens everywhere as psychological conditioning for future totalitarian rule by the communists.
How is it possible that no new Chinese deaths are reported as a result of the recent spread of the Delta variant as noted above?
The reason is because that fixed number of deaths reinforces the false narrative that “CCP health measures defeated the virus.” And that propaganda is part of the relentless psychological warfare aimed at convincing the world of CCP “benevolence and magnanimity” as China offers its “virus leadership” to other countries—for a heavy price!

What is desperately needed is a coordinated counter-propaganda offensive against the CCP narrative, in which the message is a clear statement of facts and lessons learned, targeted to counter the fear-mongering initiated in Chinese media and repeated endlessly in Western media.
- There should be maximum public discussion of the proven effectiveness of preventative measures focused on improving autoimmune system response, for example, the Zelenko protocol.
- There should be maximum public discussion of the efficacy of early treatment with therapeutic drugs such as Ivermectin and monoclonal antibodies.
- Forensic analysis of all deaths attributed to COVID-19 needs to be conducted to sort out those who died “from” the disease as opposed to those who died from other causes, but were reported to have died “with” the disease. Italy appears to have done this with surprising results. The numbers are almost certainly exaggerated elsewhere, too.
- To counter efforts to force experimental vaccinations on individuals, a much more widespread discussion of adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccines, especially to young and otherwise healthy individuals, needs to be made. The statistics reported here, including 18,461 deaths, are shocking and require wide dissemination.
- Citizen pressure should be made for an end of immunity for pharmaceutical companies for the COVID-19 vaccines; governments and companies should also be held liable for adverse reactions due to mandated vaccinations.
- There needs to be an expanded public discussion about the Nuremburg Code and the forced use of experimental “vaccines.” The first point of the statement reads: “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion, and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.”
- There needs to be maximum public discussion of the meaning of and adherence by doctors and physicians to the Hippocratic Oath, as applied to treating patients infected with the SAR-CoV-2 virus. Federal and state medical regulatory boards need to reassess their ongoing interventions between patient and doctor in prescribing/authorizing virus treatment protocols.
- There needs to be a complete public reexamination of medical ethics as a result of the authoritarian practices mandated by federal, state, and local governments that have been blindly followed by doctors and physicians, especially in large hospitals and medical institutions.
- The deleterious effects of long-term lockdowns on people’s lives, including the increased rates of suicides, drug use, and business failures. These issues need to be widely discussed in the context of a virus whose survival rate for those below retirement age and without comorbidities is greater than 99.9 percent.
- Finally, the simple fact remains that the SARS-CoV-2 virus—like other coronaviruses such as the common cold virus—cannot be eradicated or contained, but its harmful effects can be effectively mitigated and prevented for the vast majority of people through improving one’s autoimmune response system and early treatment after infection with proven anti-viral therapeutic drugs.