An Australian mother is alerting other parents to unseen dangers in the home after an often-neglected device injured her toddler; after playing with a phone charger, the woman’s baby daughter received an electrical shock so severe that it landed her in the emergency room.

“Unfortunately, this happened right in front of me,” she went on; “I didn’t realize she knew how to attempt to plug in a charger until it was too late.” A disturbing photo accompanying the anecdote shows the toddler’s injured palm sporting a black burn mark near the thumb pad.
The phone charger was already plugged into a power strip. Then the toddler attempted to “plug” in the other end of the device, the connector intended for the phone itself, into the same outlet. Literal sparks flew.
The mother described seeing “sparks, and what looked like flames and black smoke” emanating from the socket. She claimed that the force of the shock “threw” her baby daughter several feet across the living room.
“She was quiet for a few seconds,” the mom recalled, “then started screaming and crying.” The worried mother rushed her daughter to her nearest hospital emergency room.
“In ER they found an entrance wound but not an exit,” she explained, “which worried them that it zapped her heart. She needed to stay overnight to monitor her heart. Thankfully, she is okay besides a burn on her hand.”

It was an injury that this mother did not see coming despite having taken diligent safety measures around her home. Her family home, the mother explained, was baby-proofed with outlet covers, door stoppers, baby gates, and even stove-knob covers.
“[M]y baby,” she reflected, “still got hurt from something I stupidly never even considered would be an issue.”

“I didn’t think about this. Thanks for sharing,” added another. “I need to be extra careful now.”
“If you live in an older residence I would advise to have an electrician inspect your switch board,” one reader suggested, “and if necessary, fit residual current device RCD to all light and power circuits. Fuses and circuit breakers only protect wiring. RCDs save lives.”
Around one-fifth of all reported electrical injuries occur in children, as per the study, and the incidence is highest among toddlers and adolescents.