The United States is now in the midst of a communist revolution that seeks to centralize power through bringing every element of the U.S. government, from the lowest levels to the top, under the control of the executive branch, author and filmmaker Trevor Loudon says.
“And this is guided by socialists. I believe it’s guided by the Communist Party of China.” The revolution uses race “rather than class to overturn the existing structures of society and start something new,” said Loudon, who is also an Epoch Times contributor.
Because there’s mobility between classes, as workers can buy equity in a company or start their own businesses, this theory hasn’t gained much support, but race can be used to divide American society because that can’t be changed, Loudon said.
The Occupy Wall Street movement of 2011 sought to address social and economic inequality, drawing attention to the concentration of wealth and political power of people in the top 1 percent income bracket. Although the movement gained some momentum, it eventually failed, he said.
However, “you have multimillionaire black football players complaining about white oppression,” he said.
Breaking Down Military and Police

“In addition to potential violence, white supremacy and white nationalism pose a threat to the good order and discipline within the military,” the report states.
The goal of these policies is to create a military that is loyal to the new regime and to the new socialist America, Loudon said.
The majority of the lower ranks of the U.S. military “is primarily recruited from the white community and largely Southern. They tend to be pretty Christian, they tend to be pretty politically and socially conservative.”
Therefore, the military needs to purge or minimize its lower base and bring in many more people of color, leftists, and people who will be loyal to the new regime, Loudon said. The leadership of the U.S. military had already been changed during the Obama administration, when loyal generals were replaced with political hacks, globalists, and leftists, he said.

Calls from radical left-wing groups such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter to “defund the police” serve the same purpose, according to Loudon.
The intent behind the “Defund Police” movement is to eliminate patriotic, conservative elements in the police forces, which are largely run by patriotic people, and make the police loyal to a socialist government, making it more like the communist police in Venezuela or Cuba, which can be used to quell revolts, Loudon said.
Major stumbling blocks on the road to socialism are the conservative governors and sheriffs, Loudon says. The county sheriff is one of the most important positions in America and those who are loyal to the Constitution can protect their counties from unconstitutional regulations imposed by the federal government, he said.
Illegal Immigration, Massive Spending Destroying America

Encouraging illegal immigration on the southern border is also a communist strategy aimed to create “a massive voting bloc” for the Democratic Party that seeks to transform America into a one-party state, Loudon says.
“The whole plan is to swamp the conservative voting base.”
“Most of the elections are won or lost by 5 million votes or less,” Loudon said, adding that 18 million to 20 million new Democratic voters can turn conservative states such as Texas or Arizona “permanently blue.”
Massive infrastructure spending will sink the U.S. dollar, causing an increase in interest rates and destroying U.S. business, Loudon said.
“The new infrastructure will be there to absorb the workers who are displaced, so everybody will be put on a subsistence level wage, like a universal basic income ... [it is] building an army of young people totally dependent on the state.
“It is a program that Stalin would have been proud of. It will end the energy industry as we know it in this country, it will destroy the economy, destroy the U.S. military budget,” Loudon said.
The goal of these policies is the complete destruction of the U.S. constitutional republic, Loudon said, adding that the ultimate goal is world communism.
Loudon predicts that the United States is heading toward a socialist model that will be a cross between the Chinese system and Brazil’s under former communist President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, known as Lula.
“Brazil has a sort of racial makeup similar to the United States ... Lula played those ethnic minorities off against each other, and he elevated some at the expense of others to bring about his revolution. ... But the ultimate model is the Chinese model,” said said.
The U.S. elites and globalists like the Chinese model because it brings an authoritarian state that can keep workers under control while still allowing rich people to make lots of money, Loudon said. He thinks, however, that they eventually “will be lined up against the wall and shot like everyone else who bucks the system.”
One step is that states with Republican-led legislatures or good governors such as Ron DeSantis in Florida and Greg Abbott in Texas should form a coalition of states to counter unconstitutional actions of the federal government, but not secede, Loudon said.
Loudon also advocates boycotting unpatriotic companies and supporting patriotic companies, as well as boycotting “everything that comes from the Chinese Communist Party of China, right now, every product, every investment.”
The battle against socialism “has to be fought politically, intellectually, and spiritually; we’ve got to understand that we’re in a battle, here, between good and evil. You’ve got to choose which side you are on.”