Edward Dowd, a former portfolio manager for BlackRock and the author of the upcoming book “‘Cause Unknown’: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022,” has been analyzing data related to all-cause mortality since March 2021.
Large Insurers See Same Spike in Deaths
In early 2022, Dowd and Sterling got other sources corroborating their findings about the spike in deaths for the working age cohort.In January 2022, OneAmerica CEO Scott Davison said during a press call that, based on their life insurance claim data, “in the second half of 2021, all-cause mortality among, especially working age members, had rose to a stunning 40 percent,” said Dowd. “And his company, which is a $100 billion insurance company, experienced just this incredible rise in deaths and claims.”
The significance of this rise in mortality, he explained, is that this company provides group life insurance, which handles insurance for corporations, not individuals.
“Forty percent is like a war. It’s not something that happens in the normal course of business,” said Dowd. Before the COVID-19 vaccine mandates, the deaths were primarily in the older age cohort, but after the vaccine rollouts in the second half of 2021, deaths became inflated in the younger, working-age cohort, he added.

In addition to OneAmerica, the Society of Actuaries published a data set also showing very similar results to what Dowd and Sterling found regarding death rates in working-age cohorts.
“In the 25 to 34 [age group], they saw 78 percent excess mortality in the third quarter of 2021. They also saw in the 35 to 44 age group 100 percent excess mortality. We combined that group and our number was 84 percent,” said Dowd.
Dowd said the fact that they used different data sets—Dowd used CDC all-cause mortality numbers and the insurance company used their group life claim numbers—but got similar death spikes, validates his hypothesis of vaccines being the cause of death.
“But we need more data from the government, which they’re not providing. And if they did, the link would be there, I think, 100 percent,” said Dowd.
Similar Numbers, Different Conclusion
While Dowd attributes the spike in deaths to the vaccine mandates, the Society of Actuaries attributes the deaths to other factors, including long COVID, suicides, drug overdoses, and missing medical screenings due to lockdowns.Dowd disagrees with the insurance company’s conclusion.
“I know there was an event that occurred in the third quarter: that was corporate mandates and executive order mandate by the Biden administration for companies with over 100 employees. And what we saw was a rate of change, a slope of the line into the 84 percent, into the third quarter that was so alarmingly fast and large, it went from like 50 percent to 84 percent in three months,” said Dowd.
The Malone Doctrine

Through Dowd’s participation in anti-mandate rallies in Hawaii, he met Dr. Robert Malone. Dowd informed Malone that he was looking at death rates by monitoring insurance companies’ and funeral home data to see if there were any trends that raise concern.
“This was a gift to Dr. Malone, and Dr. Malone is going to make it a gift to the world. And hopefully, over time, this gets adopted,” said Dowd.
Dowd said he is passionate about finding the truth and having an open debate about these vaccines because people are clearly being harmed by the vaccines and he is concerned for the future of the country.
“We think that over time, not only will Josh and I be proven, right, it’s going to be devastating for a lot of institutions, and the implications for our country are going to be very, very dire,” said Dowd.
“This is a crisis of epic proportions that no one seems to be talking about. At the very least, it should be acknowledged, and there should be investigations all over the country to try to figure out the silent killer.”