James Lindsay, founder of New Discourses and author of “Race Marxism,” said Marxism and its more recent offshoot, critical race theory, are fraudulent because they put theory before reality and are unscientific.
Lindsay says Marx put man in place of God.
“This is the Genesis myth, this is the snake, this is the idea that you that we are the creators of reality, not that reality was created and we respond to it. That is the centering of man as that which creates everything. For Marx, that’s what it was all about, [it] was how do we get rid of God,” Lindsay continued.
Throughout history, when socialism and communism failed in countries like the Soviet Union, China, and Cambodia and over 100 million people died from famine or brutality, those who advocate for communism make excuses for its failure and say they just need to get closer to the theory to make it work, says Lindsay.

“Every time you fail and calamity results and millions of people die or whatever it happens to be, that was just: we didn’t know all the contradictions that were actually involved. So, we’ve exposed a new contradiction that’s going to require us to apply theory to it.
“But in general, the explanation is there were contradictions that the theory had not yet incorporated. For example, Max Horkheimer points out in his development of the critical theory. He says … Marx thought we could live in a perfectly just society where we have perfect freedom. He didn’t realize that freedom and justice were dialectical concepts, that they’re in opposition.”
Lindsay says the neo-Marxist thinking that is being espoused today states “there must be some higher-order synthetic third path, there must be a synthesis of freedom and justice where they actually become one concept.
“So we have to have freedom-justice. So that’s where they say things that sound very much like George Orwell: that we will have freedom when we have justice. Or we will have freedom when everybody follows all the rules,” said Lindsay.
Lindsay gave the example of Canada’s COVID-19 mandates and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau following the neo-Marxist playbook. “For example, with Justin Trudeau saying … with the mandates is that we have to have the mandate so that we can have fewer restrictions ... It’s just absolute doublespeak.”

People who put “idea ahead of reality” and subscribe to critical race theory, have had their empathy and compassion turned into a tool used to manipulate them, said Lindsay.
He says because racism dehumanizes the victim and perpetrator, Marxist theory is appealing to people because it claims to be humanizing everything but the problem is, “that the analysis, the structural analysis is based in nonsense. It’s based in an inversion of reality, in fact, a war on reality.”
Marxism is “the most manipulable ideology I’ve ever seen in my life,” said Lindsay. He gives two reasons for this, one because it, “is located in the subjective experience, which is extremely manipulable. And then secondly, because it has this ‘we’re all in this together’ kind of voice behind it.”
Lindsay says that the corporations, which were the original enemy of communism, are now combining fascist and communist structures to further globalism.
Marxism Breeds Division
Lindsay says problems cannot be solved because people feel attacked about who they are (their identities).“When your politics tie to who you are, according to this idea from Harvard Negotiation, there’s no resolution. If you create a division at that level, you can’t even start to solve problems at the superficial level,“ said Lindsay. ”You can’t talk about immigration if it’s all seen in terms of how one another perceives identity factors, and what identity means in reality. So it’s almost a perfect weapon for division.”
“So, in other words, if you read the definition of a mental pathology or psychopathology, it’s some set of psychological quirks that have become so severe that they impinge upon your ability to live day-to-day life. And I’m like, wow, critical theory is designed to induce psychopathologies, and what better way than by tweaking people at the level of identity,” said Lindsay.
Lindsay said the neo-Marxists make people doubt their own intellectual, psychological authority when they are questioned about critical race theory being taught in schools, instead calling it culturally responsive education.
“We’re not really teaching critical race theory, critical race theory is not in schools, of course it’s not; that’s culturally responsive teaching, CRT means something completely different,” said Lindsay.

“And these are the actual manipulations that have been done again and again and again and again. And now you can understand why. And they’re being done at the level of identity because it’s the deepest psychological layer that does not resolve and stays divisive. You keep people fighting about identity, there’s no resolution there.”
Lindsay said that schools are teaching kids to see everything through a lens of identity and race, essentially, promoting Marxist ideology and sowing division.
“You cannot shoehorn reality into theory, there are any number of reasons why this kind of dialectical control mechanism that they want to install is not going to work and is going to require the absolute totalitarian kind of destruction of humanity,” said Lindsay. “They have to absolutely subjugate people in order to force it to work.”
Lindsay says the overemphasis on sexual identity and race is self-indulgent and working people don’t have the luxury of time to think about these things.

against COVID-19 mandates and restrictions, in Ottawa on Jan. 29, 2022. Limin Zhou/The Epoch Times
“The working class is not going to accept this, and of course, therefore, they’re going to have to be beaten down. And thus, we see the revolt in Canada from the truckers,” said Lindsay. “They’re also the people who are going to be displaced the most by automation, and so they have to be put under control before that happens. So the working class has become the enemy of Marxists, as funny as that sounds.”