Hands up if you love doing laundry. Now look around. Those with flailing limbs in the air may find themselves in the minority! But more power to you: laundry is one domestic task that resists even the very best procrastinators. After all, we all need clean clothes to wear and fresh beds to sleep in.

But what if we told you that there’s a neat trick circulating the internet that could help you fold fitted sheets in a fraction of the time it currently takes? We all know fitted sheets. We’re also all familiar with the bed linen straitjacket that forms around our hapless, flapping arms when we attempt to fold the elasticated, fitted bed covers so popular in homes and hotels these days.
Yes, they’re amazingly convenient: mattress corners have never looked so tidy. But easily foldable they are not!

Laundry washers everywhere would be forgiven for burying these elasticated nightmares at the backs of cupboards, drawers, and shelves. Out of sight, out of mind. But as satisfying as it may be to bundle up the perplexing fabric of a fitted sheet and hurl it at the wall (or nearest clean linen receptacle), there’s a better way.
Not to mention, imagine the delicious, smug satisfaction of being able to teach others how to do it!
“Today we’re going to learn how to fold a fitted sheet,” says Ashley from Bed Bath & Beyond, with calm, reassuring confidence. Rookies take note: Ashley advises that the technique works best with sheets fresh from the dryer, or sheets with fewer wrinkles.

Don’t be shy to replay the video several times in order to get it right. We had to! The strategic folding technique is as deft as origami, but with a willing participant (your friendly, household elasticated bed sheet) and a few minutes of practice, you too will be able to upgrade the look of your linen cabinet to luxury hotel standards.
It’s really quite simple: identify the elasticated corners, turn the sheet inside out a few times, and use a flat table top to fold the sheet into a perfect square. Et voilà, an expertly handled fitted bed sheet.

Share this professional laundry hack with your friends and watch their groans turn to grins. Laundry woes? Conquered!