It was a close encounter and a veritable whale of a time for whale watchers in the Bay of Fundy when an adult humpback performed some unexpected, real-life acrobatics. The bay off Nova Scotia, Canada, played host to the boat tour and its captivated audience; the footage and photos that have been shared with the world are almost too good to be true.

The CCNB had previously voiced their concerns that TransCanada’s proposed Energy East Pipeline could make the region’s ocean waters “a lot busier and riskier for whales,” so Seliga’s footage could not have come at a better time for ardent supporters of marine conservation. “We are so thrilled to see the Bay of Fundy and its magnificent whales get this incredible exposure,” the organization added.
Graham had been battling thick fog on tours prior to this one. “Fog is one of our natural wonders down here,” she shared, “it just keeps us wondering what it’s going to do.” During foggy spells, Graham preferences cutting the engine on the boat so that her whale-watching guests can listen for the whales coming up to breathe; in the absence of clear vision, audible clues adopt a far more significant role in whale watching.
On this fortuitous occasion, however, Graham’s group found a mother humpback whale and her calf. After the group watched in awe for some time, the boat turned around to leave but was stopped in its tracks by a loud noise ahead of the vessel. “Now, what a show that whale was putting on,” Graham recalled, after the tour group cut the boat’s engines. “It was just non stop!” Graham shared an estimate on Facebook; the whale breached about 30 times. “I’m not a scientist, but I honestly believe that whale was having just as good of a time as we were,” she added, happily.
“I do not ever get tired of this,” Graham concluded. “You have to expect the unexpected.”