Sartorial style is pretty subjective, but two teens from Bolivar Central High School in Tennessee were left reeling after their wardrobe choices landed them in jail.
The punishment occurred in November of 2015 at the height of baggy pants sovereignty; was this divisive trend finally getting its comeuppance, or was the punishment too harsh?
“I really didn’t like it,” Ammons said, referring to his 48 hours behind bars in the Hardeman County Criminal Justice Complex. The teen even showed WMC news cameras what the offending outfit had looked like; his pants were slung low with the waistband of his underwear and gym shorts visible.
One parent, Crystal Wing, suggested that “jail time might be a little too much. But at the same time,” she added, “there has been a lot of sagging pants.” Senior Jordan Perry spoke on behalf of a certain cohort who believed that “some kind of punishment” was necessary. However, “I don’t think it’s necessary to go to jail for saggy pants,” Perry clarified.
The baggy pants brigade themselves remained notably quiet, but some other teens spoke up in their defense, claiming that jail time was just a little too harsh. “They didn’t need to go to that extreme,” student Cheyenne Lindsey shared with the news cameras, although only two of the four students charged (one being Ammons) served jail time.

“A lot of folk are very offended at this fashion,” Birmingham stated. “You don’t have to do it [...] It’s our right not to look at your underwear!” Do saggy pants indicate a lack of respect for self, and others? Birmingham thought so. He advocated a warning followed by a stiff fine for repeat offenders.
And in 2016, the town of Timmonsville, South Carolina, introduced a saggy pants ban and a heavy fine of up to $600 for anybody caught violating the rule.
Maybe it will catch on.