Karl Von Schwarz, 82, married Donna Von Schwarz, 85, in 1956. From Youngstown, Ohio, the pair were high school sweethearts and still live on the same street on which they grew up. Sixty-three years since Karl’s initial proposal, and after over six decades of marital bliss, Karl got down on one knee for the second time and proposed to his wife again.
Citing more than just a dedication to old-school romance, there is a secondary, more serious reason for proposal number two: Donna’s health has become a huge concern for the married couple. Since May 2018, Donna has endured open-heart surgery, several strokes, and even bleeding on the brain. She is now confined to a wheelchair and is largely unable to move her body without assistance.
Family members, who remain close to the loving pair, are themselves deeply saddened by Donna’s declining health. The couple’s adoring granddaughter Christina
shared: “The last few times I’ve seen her, every time I’ve said goodbye like it’s the last time, so it’s definitely been hard.“ Christina, who lives in Texas, echoed the sentiments of the entire family: “It’s just been really hard on everyone,” she said.
WFAA reported on the touching story, and revealed that Karl made a solemn promise to his wife: if Donna survived her heart surgery, he would buy her a brand-new engagement ring. Donna pulled through, and her exultant husband kept his word, taking Donna from the hospital straight to a local JCPenney to buy the ring she wanted.
However, as a dedicated follower of romantic traditions, Karl knew that the ring was not enough in and of itself. After all, a proposal is not a proposal unless somebody gets down on one knee, right? Doting husband Karl, somewhat slowed down by his advanced years but motivated by a deep and unyielding love for his wife, dropped to one knee right there in the jewelry store. Donna, amid fits of giggles, said “yes.”
Granddaughter Christina
shared some beautiful photos of Karl’s grand gesture on social media, expecting that a few of her friends would like the post. Instead, her post caught the attention of over 25,000 viewers. “I told them that they were famous on Twitter and they were so happy,” Christina continued. “It definitely deserves the recognition that it got.”
And what of the happy couple themselves, reaffirmed in their love and companionship by six decades of mutual support and one very grand gesture in a JCPenney? “It was great, because it’s a gal I’ve loved all my life,” Karl
shared. “We’ve been together so long that we can’t really stay apart.”
Donna agreed, albeit a little distracted by her brand-new diamond engagement ring. “It’s really beautiful,” she
said. “It’s gorgeous.”
Through sickness and health, this inspiring couple’s love has remained constant. “They’re definitely something to strive for in a relationship,” affirmed Christina.
Watch the full video of the couple’s amazing story and Karl’s romantic second proposal in the video below.
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