What do you do with a used tea bag? You throw it away, right?
Wait, we’re sorry, we didn’t mean to shout. But there are so many other uses for tea bags besides the delicious hot beverage we’ve all come to know and love! Take a look at this list: it won’t be long before you’re hollering at your friends to keep the trash bin closed. Reuse, recycle, and reaffirm your love for this versatile leaf.

Some of these are tricks from past generations. Post-war, many families would hang their used tea bags out to dry and use them again for a second, or even a third, cup. Nasty? Necessary! Austerity measures hit hard in times past.
1. You’ll never suffer a stinging sunburn again.

If you’re silly enough to get sunburned (it happens to the best of us), rinse a black tea bag under a cold faucet and apply it to the scalded skin.
2. Make that any type of burn, for that matter …

3. Witchy warts, be gone!

Green tea contains healing antioxidants that can prevent warts from growing on your skin.
Make yourself a delicious cup of green tea. Wait for the tea bag to cool down, and then place it on top of the wart on your skin. Hold it there for 15 minutes, then replace with a new bag. It might help to be drinking green tea with a friend or family member, unless you love green tea enough to drink two cups all by yourself.
4. Make puffy under-eyes a thing of the past

The tannins in black tea can help reduce puffiness under the eyes.
5. Not a fan of washing up?

6. May your garden be the envy of the neighborhood

Who ever knew that a tea bag had the power to kill garden weeds?
7. No more manure!

Composted tea bags make excellent fertilizer, as does loose leaf teas mixed into the earth around your outdoor plants’ roots.
Particular fans of this approach are roses, most houseplants, and garden ferns.