Dog Found Locked in Balcony for 2 Weeks Without Food or Water After Owners ‘Moved Out’

Dog Found Locked in Balcony for 2 Weeks Without Food or Water After Owners ‘Moved Out’
Illustration - Shutterstock

There’s no excuse for leaving a dog behind, but a less-than-2-year-old husky puppy had to endure almost two weeks alone, terrified, and isolated on a screened-in balcony after her owners left town. The worst thing? They left her without food and water, and they weren’t coming back.

According to Fox 5 Atlanta, when management at the couple’s Parc Shores apartment in Atlanta, Georgia, realized that the poor pup had been abandoned, they called 911. Gwinnett County deputies hurried to the scene where they discovered the frantic pup trapped on her balcony.

She was immediately released and given food and water. Temperatures, the news team reported, had reached 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius).

The sherriff’s office shared bodycam footage of the young dog’s rescue. A neighbor, upon finding out about the abandoned husky’s ordeal, commented: “She didn’t have any food or water at all, so it’s a miracle she was still alive when they got to her.”

Illustration - Shutterstock | <a href="">Soloveva Kseniia</a>
Illustration - Shutterstock | Soloveva Kseniia

“It was heartbreaking,” he continued, preferring to remain anonymous. “It was truly...” he briefly faltered, searching for the right words. “My mom was almost in tears when they were pulling her out.”

The sweet, desperate husky was found pacing on her screened-in balcony under the heat of the Georgia sun in the nick of time. Frantically scratching at the screen door to be let out, the pup looked skinny, weak, and disoriented from 14 days of dehydration.

Illustration - Shutterstock | <a href="">New Africa</a>
Illustration - Shutterstock | New Africa
She was taken to Gwinnett County Animal Shelter for the care and nourishment she had been denied by her owners. Her ordeal was a stark reminder to shelter staff that despite their best efforts, animal cruelty still exists, and it often happens behind closed doors.

Closed screen doors, in this unfortunate puppy’s case.

“It’s a cruel situation for anyone not to feed a dog, and allow time to go by and just abandon it,” said Alan Davis of Gwinnett County Animal Shelter. Luckily, the husky’s is a rare case, but Davis reiterated that there was absolutely no reason for anyone to leave a pet behind.

If owners find themselves unable to take care of their pet, he said, it is an option for them to surrender their animal to the shelter. The shelter will always do its best to have the pet rehomed.

Twenty-nine-year-old Daniel Ugalde-Andres and 24-year-old Nicol Moreno-Mariano were identified as the husky’s negligent owners. Police acquired warrants for their arrests on charges of animal cruelty, but as of July 30, 2019, the pair remain untraceable.

Illustration - Shutterstock | <a href="">Jesse Franks</a>
Illustration - Shutterstock | Jesse Franks

The authorities believe, with heavy hearts, that the previous Parc Shores residents intentionally left their dog behind to starve when they moved out of their apartment.

“Her health is good; she’s a great dog,” Davis shared, still unable to believe how the sweet pup could have been left behind. “Somebody would be proud and happy to own this dog,” he added. “She is just so loving and so energetic, and just a beautiful looking husky!”

Sadly, the dog, whose name has not been released, cannot legally be adopted until authorities complete their investigation. However, she has well and truly earned her place in a happy forever home and deserves all the love that her new family has to give.

Fox 5’s Denise Dillion witnessed the husky in the safe hands of her rescuers. After food, water, and a lot of love, the husky looked “amazing” and seemed to be “doing very well,” Dillon shared.

There’s hope for this husky, and here’s hoping that her captors are brought to justice, too.