Break Time Turns Into Fun As Construction Worker Shows Off His Incredible Moves

Break Time Turns Into Fun As Construction Worker Shows Off His Incredible Moves
Illustration - Shutterstock

Doing the same job day in and out can get pretty tedious for most people. That’s the reason it is important to have good co-workers around who can help create those moments of magic every now and then. While one can expect some kind of fun activity in a typical office floor, witnessing similar scenes at a dusty construction site might come as a pleasant surprise.

A video of a construction worker showing off his brilliant moves is doing its rounds on the internet. It turns out that he is incredibly talented, and folks across social media simply can’t get enough of him. He is one of those who definitely knows how to break the monotony of a tough workday, and his fellow workers would agree that they are lucky to have someone like him amidst them.

Illustration - Shutterstock | <a href="">DDCora</a>
Illustration - Shutterstock | DDCora

As the workers are seen settling down for a break, Pascal Letoublon’s song “Friendships (Original Mix)” starts playing the background. One of the workers suddenly gets up and decides to show off his incredible talent. There couldn’t have been a better soundtrack to complement his silky moves, and boy did he do it with a whole lot of flair and style.

Wearing steel-toed work boots, he glides effortlessly on the dusty construction site as if it were a dance floor. Co-workers are seen clapping and cheering in the background as his moves remind us of the incredibly talented Michael Jackson. Though it could be a hobby and nothing more, those who’ve watched the video are left wondering how on earth did he learn those slick moves.

Illustration - Shutterstock | <a href="">Luna Vandoorne</a>
Illustration - Shutterstock | Luna Vandoorne

Co-workers are left in awe as he performs the “moonwalk” and “wave” all the while in his construction gear. The dancing and miming go to another level as he suddenly drops to the ground, doing a complete backbend. Onlookers were left stunned when he made his way back up as if he were crawling up an invisible wall.

This talented worker seems to even defy gravity with every move, and this video is proof that there should be no second thoughts about his talent as a dancer. The impromptu performance would no doubt turn out to be extra motivation to his co-workers.

Illustration - Shutterstock | <a href="">bdavid32</a>
Illustration - Shutterstock | bdavid32
The video showcasing the man’s epic dance moves was posted on Instagram in January and has garnered over 400,000 views to date. While the whole world is getting wind of his incredible talent, unfortunately, the name of this man remains unknown. If anyone were out talent spotting, we bet they would have been blown away by his incredible piece.
Illustration - Shutterstock | <a href="">CoolKengzz</a>
Illustration - Shutterstock | CoolKengzz

People across social media are charmed by his moves and are left delighted at the impromptu performance. They can’t stop praising him.

One user wrote: “Quit the current job .you [sic] have a better future in entertainment industry.”

Another one added, “Never found fun like this in a construction site....”

“He should be a dancer not a construction worker. He got moves..” a third one chimed in.

Though we are not sure what career he will pursue in the future, from the looks of it, it seems he won’t last long in the construction site. We hope that he continues to entertain us with more videos like this.

Watch the video below:

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