There are several reasons why a dog can be a great companion in life. They are cute, playful, affectionate, and loyal. However, most dog owners would admit that their furry pooches do have a mischievous side. Let’s admit it: pets have their own secret lives and no matter how much of a disciplinarian you are, you can never fully tame their wild side!
There is a friendly husky named Jasper that hails from Wells, Maine, and he is quite the explorer. The excited pooch loves to wander, find new tracks, and is always up to his old tricks.
One day, the neighbors spotted Jasper in a rather strange spot. He was at least 15 feet off the ground, stranded on the roof above the front porch.
Was Jasper after a breath of fresh air, or did he expect to see a pretty sight from up there?
Regardless, the neighbors weren’t too impressed with his antics and called the Wells Police Department.
The police entrusted the case to the Wells Professional Firefighters Association, and it was confirmed that the adventurous dog had indeed found himself in a pickle.
With power lines preventing the use of the ladder truck, Captain Nawfel and his colleague pulled out a regular ladder to climb up to the roof.
Captain Nawfel managed to put the grateful husky safely back inside the house through the window he had climbed out of.
A police officer managed to capture the moment when the firefighter made contact with Jasper.
Needless to say, Jasper was ecstatic to be met with some friendly human intervention, and the drama ended with the relieved canine planting one big, slobbery kiss on his rescuer’s chin.
“Friendly dog. Kinda gave me a smooch on the way in the house and that was the end of it and I came down the ladder,” Nawfel reported.
But that wasn’t the end of this story.
Jasper’s owners stopped by the station to give Nawfel a thank you card.
A video of the incident was posted to the Well’s Police Department Facebook page, and Jasper the naughty husky became a sensation online in a matter of days.
One social media user said, “That’s awesome even got a few kisses.”
Another praised the efforts of Nawfel and his colleague, “Love this! These two make a great team!”
“I dont think the dog knew he was stuck! Great story,” a fourth wrote.
Nawfel had become a local celebrity too after media outlets reached out to him for interviews.
He said that he was completely floored by the attention the rescue received, describing the whole scene as “absolutely crazy.” Although it is usually cats getting stuck in trees, this was Captain Nawfel’s first off-the-roof dog rescue mission.
He added, “I had no idea that a little affection from the dog would blow up the way it has. It’s been surreal at best.”
There’s a first time for everything, isn’t there?