Liberals, including those leading the Church of England, proclaim to want diversity in their ranks but are insincere because they opposed his ordination solely based on his conservativism.
The Church of England put out a report claiming their whole institution is racist.
The report states the church’s goal of having a 30 percent ethnic minority within its ranks, which Robinson objected to. He told the leaders of the church that he agrees there are instances of racism by individuals, but that does not make the whole institution racist.
“First of all, you’re shifting blame from those individuals, so they get away with it. But secondly, you’re painting all of us as racist, and I don’t think that’s the case,” said Robinson.
After his opposition to their report, the heads of the Church of England told Robinson that there were too many complaints about him, for which he requested documentation. They refused to provide such information which led him to file a freedom of information act (FOIA) request, Robinson said.
From the FOIA request, he received a packet of church communications that revealed the bishops and other heads of the church felt his views did not align with their woke social and political agenda.
The complaints about him were “underwhelming,” said Robinson.
“These [emails] dated all the way back to before they even sent me to training, saying things such as ‘Calvin doesn’t believe that racism is institutional in this country.’ ‘We should keep an eye on his ordination process,’ therefore implying that he doesn’t align with our politics, do we really want to ordain him,” said Robinson.
The church never drew any attention to his faith, said Robinson, “you’re not faithful enough, not Christian enough, your theology is wrong, you’re heretical on these issues because I don’t think they would have any leg to stand on.”
Robinson said it was very hard to have a meaningful conversation with the head of this church who believes in institutionalized racism, and that that “person won’t debate with you on evidence or statistics, or look at the demographical data,” like the facts that are laid out in a recent UK independent report about racial disparities.
“However, there is also an increasingly strident form of anti-racism thinking that seeks to explain all minority disadvantages through the prism of White discrimination. This diverts attention from the other reasons for minority success and failure, including those embedded in the cultures and attitudes of those minority communities themselves,” The Report states.
Instead of addressing concerns that their church was moving further into CRT-based ideologies, the church put out another report saying the whole of the UK was institutionally racist, said Robinson.
“I mean, that’s just a joke, isn’t it? Just every part of our society is somehow racist, and actively working against ethnic minorities, when we have equality under the law, if someone has been discriminated against, they have the means to have redress, they can take people to court, they can sue them,” said Robinson. “We’ve got a whole host of defensive measures in our laws.”
Robinson said he is glad the Church of England opposed his ordination because he is now in a church he is truly aligned with.
“I would have been battling every day against “Wokeism” (transgender rights, Black Lives Matter ideology, climate change, etc.) and against people telling me that I’m oppressed because I’m brown, and I’m a victim. I’m not a victim. I’m not oppressed, and I don’t want people telling me that every day.”

‘Wokeism’ and CRT directly Oppose Christianity:
Christians would say, “we’re all one and on identity would say that our identity is actually rooted in Christ, not in our individual demographics,” said Robinson. “Critical race theory is the opposite of that. No, your first identity is your skin color, and then everything else comes after that. So, it’s a religion that is the antithesis of the religion that we’re supposed to be subscribing to.”Opposing the Indoctrination in Education:
“After a number of years in teaching, I realized that what we were doing was good work. But it wasn’t all of the work. And I needed to be involved in administering the sacraments and I needed to be involved in not just helping young people get good grades, but helping them be good Christians and sending them out into the world as good people.”“In all my time in education, the one thing that scares me the most is the lack of transparency. This is how I got into college, commentating in the first place, because I was writing about the indoctrination that I was seeing in schools, and sticking my name to it,” said Robinson.
UK Imports US Racism Paradigm:
Robinson said he is puzzled as to why minorities in the UK are using American history to judge their country’s race relations, since the Blacks in the UK have their own history and weren’t enslaved but are still pushing racial agendas like the US’s Black Lives Matter.“The thing that gets me out about all of this, it all comes down to the transatlantic slave trade, as if that was the only evil to have occurred in history, and slavery has been going on forever.”
“When I look at America, I think okay, so you guys, you had slaves. In your country, you had an apartheid system, in some places you had segregation,” said Robinson. “We don’t have that African American culture. We don’t have a black British culture in the same way. Because the Caribbean people that went to England in the 1950s integrated into society and communities he said.
The woke liberals’ anti-racism CRT agenda is dividing societies and putting people in groups. “It’s just a ridiculous suggestion that everyone White is somehow bad, and everyone Black is somehow good, because people are falling, people are individuals,” said Robinson.
The left appears to have an evil agenda with their liberal policies, said Robinson.
“It [the number of black abortions] suggests to me that there was something nefarious going on there, and this is part of a wider picture,” said Robinson.

Fellow Church Leaders Afraid to Speak Out:
When people saw him standing up to the church’s woke agenda, hundreds of church members contacted him, saying they felt the same but were afraid to say so.“The saddest thing was that most people did not feel comfortable speaking out. So, priests would say, I can’t say anything because I'll be starved out, they’re reliant on their stipend.”
Robinson said, “we’ve got priests saying, yeah, my bishop is putting pressure on me to do the latest diversity and equality training, which is full of critical race theory.”
“I think the issue there is that there’s a groupthink amongst the bishops, but the clergy and the laity are very diverse,” said Robinson.
Liberals Are The True Racists:
“My politics has nothing to do with the color of my skin,” said Robinson.“We’ve seen this because we know that the Democrats were the party that was linked to the KKK [Ku Klux Klan]. And we know that Republicans were the party that fought for emancipation and fought for individual liberties,” said Robinson.
Liberals create policies that make people dependent on the government, and Robinson opposes this structure.
“I want to unlock my own potential. I want to work hard. I want to live in a meritocracy. I want to strive towards success and achieve things based on my merit, not someone else’s handouts,” said Robinson.