A video from the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN) has highlighted how the organization pushes gender ideology, such as books promoting transgenderism, in schools through a library program.
Having an LGBT library “can allow a district or a state to have that first stepping stone to inclusive curriculum.”
LGBT Books
Though GLSEN claims to send LGBT books to schools and libraries for free, this does not appear to be the case, at least all the time.Two of the books included in the Rainbow Library are “When Aidan Became a Brother” and “I am Jazz.” Both books focus on young children who “identify” as the opposite sex.
These books are distributed in classrooms to be read by students from kindergarten to second grade. Other books for the demographic include “Peanut Goes For The Gold” and “Pink Is For Boys.”
Rady also quoted an elementary school librarian who said, “I read Peanut Goes for the Gold with a class and many students quickly asked why the author used ‘their’ instead of ‘his/her’. I actually had a student jump in to answer before I had a chance to respond.”
Pushing a Gender Agenda
Several schools across the United States are encouraging a more covert spreading of this gender agenda among students.Seattle Public Schools published a lesson plan asking children from the fourth grade to write a letter providing advice to another child who decided he was a girl at two years old.
“We do show that there is a lot of trauma not being addressed before going to medical and why we are having a large population of detransitioners that the transgender community is trying to hide,” Angel said.
There is not enough research to prove that medically transitioning will alleviate gender dysphoria, he noted. Angel feels mental health should be prioritized and not affirmation therapy.