
Transgender children

NHS Stops Puberty Blockers, Citing Lack of Safety Evidence

NHS Stops Puberty Blockers, Citing Lack of Safety Evidence

Maine Child Transgender Bill Killed In Committee

Maine Child Transgender Bill Killed In Committee

Private Gender Clinic for Over-16s Seeking Hormone Treatment Approved

Private Gender Clinic for Over-16s Seeking Hormone Treatment Approved

Thousands of Doctors Take Legal Action Against Transgender Mandate

Thousands of Doctors Take Legal Action Against Transgender Mandate

Opinion: Fear and Loathing in the Age of Woke

Fear and Loathing in the Age of Woke

Maine Runner Goes From 172nd to 5th Place After Switching to Compete as a Girl

Maine Runner Goes From 172nd to 5th Place After Switching to Compete as a Girl

Texas Church Offers $1,000 Grants to Transport Children Out of State for Transgender Procedures

Texas Church Offers $1,000 Grants to Transport Children Out of State for Transgender Procedures

Parents in Nationwide Support Group Share About Their Children’s Gender Transitions

Parents in Nationwide Support Group Share About Their Children’s Gender Transitions

Researchers Find Transgender Surgery Rates Have Tripled in 4 Years

Researchers Find Transgender Surgery Rates Have Tripled in 4 Years