Investigators Seize ‘Enough Fentanyl to Kill Over 14 Million People,’ Say It’s From China

Investigators Seize ‘Enough Fentanyl to Kill Over 14 Million People,’ Say It’s From China
Stock image of Bags of heroin, some laced with fentanyl. Drew Angerer/Getty Images
Venus Upadhayaya

Law enforcement seized a large quantity of narcotics in Virginia, North Carolina, and Texas and charged 39 suspects in an alleged conspiracy to distribute large amounts of heroin, fentanyl, and cocaine in Hampton Roads, according to a release by the U.S. Department of Justice on Aug. 29.

“This massive interdiction of narcotics, which included enough fentanyl to kill over 14 million people, is proof positive of the power and strength of federal, state, and local law enforcement collaboration,” G. Zachary Terwilliger, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, said in the release.

The operation was carried out by 120 officers from 30 law enforcement agencies over three days and led to the seizure of 24 firearms, 30 kilograms (66 pounds) of fentanyl, 30 kilograms of heroin, 5 kilograms (11 pounds) of cocaine, and more than $700,000 in cash.

“This operation, through its seizure of scores of kilograms of illicit narcotics, saved lives in the Eastern District and elsewhere,” Terwilliger said.

He said the alleged drug trafficking ring is an example of fentanyl coming to the United States from China.

“The illicit fentanyl that’s coming in, the vast majority is from China and a lot of it is coming in through the mails,” Terwilliger said at a press conference.

The indictment (pdf) mentions the case of a suspect in Virginia ordering fentanyl from a vendor in Shanghai and receiving it at his residence through the mail by the U.S. Postal Service.

“The last thing we want is for the U.S. Postal Service to become the nation’s largest drug dealer, and there are people way above my pay grade working on that, but absolutely, it’s about putting pressure on the Chinese,” Terwilliger said.

According to the indictment, the “defendants and unindicted co-conspirators” would purchase and receive narcotics from suppliers in Mexico, California, and New York, and arrange hidden compartments in privately owned vehicles, couriers, and semi-trailers, trucks, and recreational vehicles to transport them.

The Justice Department (DOJ) said the defendants used various encrypted social media apps such as Facetime and Whatsapp to carry out their operations, which included negotiating the price and fixing locations for the sale and purchase of narcotics.

“The DEA will continue to prioritize operations like this one, which target the criminal organizations that bring dangerous drugs and violence into our communities here in Virginia,” said Jesse R. Fong, Special Agent in Charge of the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) Washington Field Division.

The operation, called “Cookout,” was investigated by a federal multi-jurisdictional task force named the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF).

“The principal mission of the OCDETF program is to identify, disrupt, and dismantle the most serious drug trafficking, weapons trafficking, and money laundering organizations, and those primarily responsible for the nation’s illegal drug supply,” the DOJ said.

CNN Wire contributed to this report.
Venus Upadhayaya
Venus Upadhayaya
Venus Upadhayaya reports on India, China, and the Global South. Her traditional area of expertise is in Indian and South Asian geopolitics. Community media, sustainable development, and leadership remain her other areas of interest.
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