How to Save Money

How to Save Money
A file photo of US$100 bills. Luis Robayo/AFP via Getty Images
Naveen Athrappully

A survey done in the earlier part of the year by financial services company Bankrate found that only about four in 10 Americans have enough savings to cover an unplanned expense of $1,000, indicating a dismal state of household emergency funds and poor monetary habits. Many have sought to move away from the instability that comes with low savings, and are educating themselves on different methods, tips, and tricks to save money moving forward.

There are some things within your control, and the state of the nation’s economy is not one of them. Decades-high inflation has taken its toll on wages. The Federal Reserve calculates that 53.4 percent of the American workforce saw their real wages—i.e.,  inflation-adjusted income—decline between the second quarter of 2021 and second quarter of 2022.

The only other periods during the past 25 years when the decline in real wages was more severe than in the second quarter of 2022 were during the Great Recession of 2008–09, and in 2015. Meanwhile, the 12-month Consumer Price Index (CPI), a measure of inflation, stood at 7.7 percent in October while annual inflation has remained above 7.5 percent for every single month this year.
As wages go down, and inflation remains persistently high, it becomes all the more important to learn how to save money prudently. There are many forms of money management that you can use to save money fast—even on a low income. We will also explore some ways to save money for future needs. Let’s start with some easy tips.
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Money Tips for 2022 - clever ways to save money

First, start with reviewing your present financial status and spending habits. Note down where and when you spend, and in the process, create a personal spending report. Identify areas where you can cut down spending. This could include payments for services that are rarely used (such as streaming services); unnecessary (something you can do without); and automatic recurring payments which you’d forgotten about.

A drastic step would be to cancel your credit cards. This way, all recurring payments come to an immediate halt, while you have the time to think over which services/products you cannot do without, and need to restart. Of course, this step is not feasible for those with considerable due amounts.

Install apps like Digit, which helps with analyzing your checking account and activating automated monthly savings, and Qapital, which saves small amounts of money each time you make a purchase. For example, Qapital will transfer $0.50 from your checking account to savings when you buy a $5 cappuccino.

Digit and Qapital charge a fee for their services, whereas apps like Chime and Current are free.

Remember, a penny saved is a penny compounded. If a minimum wage earner can manage to save $15 in a day, it amounts to saving an hour or more of work. If you can manage to save $10 daily, which comes to $300 monthly, how many hours of work have you figuratively achieved?
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Realistic Ways to Save Money

Next, analyze your monthly expenses like utility bills. Make use of a free energy audit, if your utility provider offers one, and identify areas where you can cut back on energy use. Working on your home in an intelligent manner will help save money fast.

About 50–70 percent of energy is used up for cooling or heating homes. Hence, proper insulation done once will pay back multifold over time. One of the easiest things to start out with is unplugging electronics and kitchen appliances when not in use. This leads to conserving energy, which would otherwise simply be wasted.

A normal-sized fridge, which is on for 365 days a year, uses about 200–500 kWh annually. Cleaning the fridge coil every 90 days will ensure the device performs well, and uses optimal amounts of energy.

Likewise, perform annual heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) maintenance. When debris builds up in the system, the devices need to work harder and consume more energy. Cleaning or replacing HVAC filters on a regular basis will also ensure clean air flows through the premises.

Although LED lights cost more, they last much longer than alternatives. LED lights can save more than 80 percent on energy consumption compared to incandescents, and nearly 30 percent more than CFL. Do not forget to turn your lights off when not in use.

With all the shows available and new platforms popping up everywhere, you can still entertain yourself without the cable. There is a reason behind growing broadband connections and declining cable subscribers.

Instead of opting for Netflix or HBO, check out Epoch TV and NTD for news content; YouTube and Ganjing for free videos from individual creators; and Shen Yun Zhou Pin for traditional music and dance videos related to the Shen Yun Performing Arts company.

Cutting out the cable could save about $100 per month.

How to Save Money(shutterstock)
How to Save Moneyshutterstock

How to Save More Money Each Month

Housing and food are the biggest and most essential of expenditures. U.S. households waste more than $400 billion in food every year, according to the nonprofit organization Feeding America. That accounts for almost 40 percent of all food in the country.

Stay on budget while buying groceries. Avoid impulse purchases while inside the store, and plan ahead for your everyday meals. Make a list and stick to it.

Cooking at home is a definite way to stay healthy, cultivate a good habit, and save money. Some estimates put eating out as the third-biggest expense in a typical American household. Individuals can save $500–600 per month, while families can save upwards to $1,500 if they choose to make food at home.

Keep in mind that eating out carries the expense of to-and-fro transportation, and server tips, besides the food and drinks. A household can easily plan meals and prep them beforehand to avoid unnecessary wastage of time thinking about each meal.

When you get good at planning, the trip down to the store will be efficient as well, as you are aware of what you’re going to buy and will stay within budget.

Preparing two meals at once, or even opting for freezer-meals can save more money, effort and mealtime headaches.

Keep your pantry and fridge stocked with oft-used simple ingredients and invest in appliances like an All-in-One Instant Pot, as well as involve other people, if possible, to make the task enjoyable.

For other monthly savings, consider changing your mobile service provider to a cheaper company, and transfer bank accounts to a firm where there are low or no monthly charges. However, ensure the institution is well established and backed up by financial regulators.

Many credit unions have started charging customers minimum account fees, inactivity fees, and ATM charges. So look around and find a provider that accepts deposits of your money without much fee payments.

Insurance payments are typically overlooked and deducted automatically from your account. Search for alternate insurance providers, and figure out if there are any benefits to switching companies. Car insurance rates depend on many factors like the mileage. If you do not drive much, you could be eligible for lesser insurance amounts.

Dropping the gym membership can save you around $20 per month. Many people opt for a membership without actually making use of all available facilities. You can instead go for running, swimming, bicycling, walking, or booking public courts, or joining a local amateur sports team for a much lesser amount, and where you will be engaged much more.

How to Save Money Fast on a Low Income

When you’re earning on a low income, it’s difficult to put aside much in terms of savings. Here, you will need to use creative solutions like choosing to buy used items over new. Visiting thrift shops and garage sales can net you something that can practically fulfill the same purpose as a new product.

You can buy just about everything from secondhand shops like clothes, shoes, home decor, furniture, appliances, and vehicles. Make sure the thing is in working condition and can last a while.

When buying mobiles phones, laptops, and other electronic devices, do not go for the latest models. Instead, choose something that came out one or two years back, and you will have something that’s quite the latest model but at a significant discount. Wait for new models to come out before purchasing an old model.

When your income increases over time, you can start with paying off debts. Once the interests on the debts are taken out, you will be left with more disposable income.

How to Stop Wasting Money

Stopping the wastage of money requires effort, and formation of some key habits while letting go of the old routines is necessary.

Regarding the habit of saving money, if you do not have it currently, start cultivating it. Soon, it will be part of your life, and over the long run, it should help in curbing expenses and boosting your disposable income.

You can start by making a monthly budget. Stick to it. As mentioned, create a shopping list whenever you go to the store. Never stray off the list. If you forget something, and later see it in the store, do not buy it. Create the habit of sticking to the list. You will improve memory as well as discipline. Get rid of impulse buying.

Organize your life, and you will be well aware of where and how to spend money. Keep all food at home in proper places, and you will never again forget something only to pick it up rotten a few months later. You should know how many clothes you have, and their condition, so that you won’t be tempted to buy new ones.

Start the habit of comparing prices when you shop. Compare different brands as well as stores. Use the items you buy for a longer period of time, and opt for repairing rather than replacing.

Learn how to mend and fix.

Best Way to Save Money for the Future

The best way to save money for future expenses is through careful planning. You may have short-term goals as well as long term aspirations.

The short-term goals could include setting up an emergency fund or a vehicle or going on a holiday. Whatever it may be, you need to note down the goal, the time period to achieve it, and the amount clearly, with all the little details. Next, make arrangements for saving enough each month to reach the goal within the time frame.

Long-term goals could include purchasing a house or starting up a business. In this case, you would need to add in the extra loan amounts and financial expenditures to make sure you fulfill your ambitions while leaving money in the pocket.

Reduce the effort in saving money through making use of automated payments. Set up an automated transfer from your current bank account to your savings account each month. When you do this for some time, the process will get ingrained in your financial behavior, and you will start reaping the benefits of saving money in your life.

More Americans are now struggling with their monthly expenses, according to a recent report by LendingClub and financial news and analysis platform PYMNTS.

Three in five U.S. consumers were found to be living paycheck to paycheck in August, with almost a fifth saying that they found it difficult to pay bills.

Save money for future through undertaking at least some of the tactics mentioned above.