How to Create a Healthy Home to Reduce Your Anxiety

How to Create a Healthy Home to Reduce Your Anxiety
Tidiness makes you feel more relaxed, happier, and in control of your life.(New Africa/Shutterstock)

We can’t ignore how our homes affect our minds and bodies. Our mental and physical well-being are inevitably affected by the environment we live in. A lack of natural light or an overly cluttered space can make you anxious or even depressed. We want a home that makes us feel safe, in control, and calm. The tips that follow can help us make a home that’s healthy and harmonious and one that gives us peace of mind. 


Clutter creates chaos in our minds and contributes to stress and anxiety. How can you relax if clutter greets you in every room? Decluttering creates a more calming environment. Tidiness makes you feel more relaxed, happier, and in control of your life. Orderly homes are linked to healthier choices, promote productivity, and enhance physical and mental well-being. Besides, getting rid of stuff that you don’t use or that doesn’t fit in your home makes you feel empowered. Make the process less stressful by starting with small spaces. You can begin by clearing your cabinets or drawers. Don’t do it with perfection in mind. Do it gradually and tuck away or donate items that you don’t use. 

Get a Water Purifier

Your city treats the water pumped to your home, but you still want to be sure it’s clean and free of contaminants, including substances such as chlorine introduced to keep it free of bacteria. You can add a water filter to your home’s water supply (or a specific tap used for drinking and cooking water) to eliminate any unwelcome contaminants. Water filters eliminate substances such as chlorine and lead that find their way into municipal water systems and wells. You can relax and enjoy pure and safe drinking, bathing, and cleaning water by installing water filters in your home. 

Use Natural Paints

The wall and ceiling paint you choose could affect your physical and mental health. Most paints contain hazardous chemicals, although many companies have significantly improved their formulas. However, some still have volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that turn to gases at room temperature and can cause health issues. The most dangerous time is during the actual painting process, when the drying paint is emitting vapors that may give you a headache or runny eyes. These VOCs may cause hormone, central nervous system, respiratory, or kidney issues. Minimize VOCs in your home by switching to natural paints. While you’re at it, consider painting your walls with colors that make you calm or happy. Paint your walls with lighter and cheerful colors to create an environment that radiates a happier mood.     

Lighten Up

Consider upgrades that shower your home with natural light. Keep your windows clean to let as much natural light in as possible. A brightly lit home can make you feel more energetic without tiring your eyes. On top of that, brightly lit spaces stimulate our brains by increasing serotonin levels. Our bodies respond particularly well to natural daylight. Remember to also balance out the lighting in your home. As much as our bodies benefit from natural light, we need darkness to relax and sleep. Create reflective surfaces to bounce as much natural light as possible. 

Make a Workout Area

Our lives may be fast-paced, but our bodies are not. Our sedentary lifestyles and physical inactivity seem to increase year by year. Creating a workout area can help inspire physical activity. You don’t need a lot of money or space to style a home gym. Some of the exercises that keep your heart revved up require a little less space than a doormat. Defining a workout area is a trigger to move, and it can help keep you motivated. You can add plants, candle lights, or a stand to watch YouTube workout videos to make it more inviting and inspiring. Add a mirror to your workout space to help you monitor your form when using weights or doing yoga poses.

Bottom Line

A tidy home and one focused on enhancing a healthy lifestyle keeps worries at bay and helps you live the life you want to live. 

Lisa Roth Collins is a registered holistic nutritionist and also the marketing manager at, which first published this article.
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