
The Netherlands

Dutch Trial Opens for 4 Suspects in Downing of Flight MH17

Dutch Trial Opens for 4 Suspects in Downing of Flight MH17

Dutch Trial Over Downing of Flight MH17 to Start Without Suspects

Dutch Trial Over Downing of Flight MH17 to Start Without Suspects

Dutch Scientists Have Created a Concrete Building That Can Repair Itself

Dutch Scientists Have Created a Concrete Building That Can Repair Itself

The Art of the Amsterdam Bicycle

The Art of the Amsterdam Bicycle

#WorldCup: World Leaders Cheer For Their World Cup Teams (Best Tweets)

#WorldCup: World Leaders Cheer For Their World Cup Teams (Best Tweets)

Amira Willighagen, 9, Amazes Again Singing ‘Ave Maria’ on ‘Holland’s Got Talent’ (Video)

Amira Willighagen, 9, Amazes Again Singing ‘Ave Maria’ on ‘Holland’s Got Talent’ (Video)

9-Year-Old Gives Jaw-Dropping Opera Performance on 'Holland's Got Talent' (+Video)

9-Year-Old Amira Willighagen Gives Jaw-Dropping Opera Performance on ‘Holland’s Got Talent’ (+Video)