

How Do Jet-Powered Hypernovae Get Their Oomph?

How Do Jet-Powered Hypernovae Get Their Oomph?

On Second Glance, Exotic Star System Looks a Bit Ordinary

On Second Glance, Exotic Star System Looks a Bit Ordinary

3D Model Shows Giant Star’s Final Moments

3D Model Shows Giant Star’s Final Moments

Clues to Supernovae Mystery Found at The Bottom of the Ocean (Video)

Clues to Supernovae Mystery Found at The Bottom of the Ocean (Video)

Brightest Dead Star Ever Discovered in the Universe (Video)

Brightest Dead Star Ever Discovered in the Universe (Video)

Laser ‘Supernova’ Mimics Magnetic Fields in Space

Laser ‘Supernova’ Mimics Magnetic Fields in Space

‘Supernova in a Bottle’ Will Help Create Matter From Light

‘Supernova in a Bottle’ Will Help Create Matter From Light

A Rare Magnetic Star Is Born—With a Push in the Right Direction

A Rare Magnetic Star Is Born—With a Push in the Right Direction