
out-of-body experience

Prominent Surgeon: Evidence Soul May Leave Body in Near-Death Experience

Prominent Surgeon: Evidence Soul May Leave Body in Near-Death Experience

A Physicist’s Explanation of Why the Soul May Exist

A Physicist’s Explanation of Why the Soul May Exist

How Common Are Near-Death Experiences? NDEs by the Numbers

How Common Are Near-Death Experiences? NDEs by the Numbers

The Neuroscience of Near-Death Experiences

The Neuroscience of Near-Death Experiences

The Profound Near-Death Experience of a Nazi Concentration Camp Survivor

The Profound Near-Death Experience of a Nazi Concentration Camp Survivor

Skeptics May Deny Existence of Paranormal Experiences, but Psychological Effects Are Real

Skeptics May Deny Existence of Paranormal Experiences, but Psychological Effects Are Real

Out-of-Body Experiences: Studies, Theories, Reflections

Out-of-Body Experiences: Studies, Theories, Reflections

Interview: Bruce Greyson on Researching Near-Death Experiences at the University of Virginia

Interview: Bruce Greyson on Researching Near-Death Experiences at the University of Virginia

How Psychologists Officially Handle Spiritual Matters: Are Believers Delusional?

How Psychologists Officially Handle Spiritual Matters: Are Believers Delusional?

3 Out-of-Body Experiences With Some Objective Verification

3 Out-of-Body Experiences With Some Objective Verification

Pinning Down a Mystical Experience With Hard Science

Pinning Down a Mystical Experience With Hard Science

Profound Dreams That May Be More Than Dreams—and Their Unexpected Uses

Profound Dreams That May Be More Than Dreams—and Their Unexpected Uses

Leaving Their Bodies, These People Saw Things Later Verified

Leaving Their Bodies, These People Saw Things Later Verified