
Illegal Migration Act

Vietnamese and Albanian Children Disappearing in UK After Being Smuggled, MPs Told

Vietnamese and Albanian Children Disappearing in UK After Being Smuggled, MPs Told

Councils Could be Forced to Reopen Asylum Hotels to Cope With Homeless Immigrants

Councils Could be Forced to Reopen Asylum Hotels to Cope With Homeless Immigrants

Number of British Businesses Fined for Employing Illegal Workers Trebles

Number of British Businesses Fined for Employing Illegal Workers Trebles

Small Boat Arrivals Seen as a Security Threat, Public Poll Suggests

Small Boat Arrivals Seen as a Security Threat, Public Poll Suggests

Violent Criminal Deported From UK Returned to Claim Asylum

Violent Criminal Deported From UK Returned to Claim Asylum

Immigrants Will Return to Barge as Resident Begins High Court Challenge

Immigrants Will Return to Barge as Resident Begins High Court Challenge

Boosted Legal Aid Fees For Immigration Lawyers Not Enough, Say Legal Experts

Boosted Legal Aid Fees For Immigration Lawyers Not Enough, Say Legal Experts

Prime Minister Snubs Home Secretary’s Anti-Multicultural Remarks

Prime Minister Snubs Home Secretary’s Anti-Multicultural Remarks

Over 1,300 Asylum Claims Made on Basis of Sexuality in Last Year

Over 1,300 Asylum Claims Made on Basis of Sexuality in Last Year

More Than Half of Asylum Claims in UK Are Not Made by Small Boat Arrivals

More Than Half of Asylum Claims in UK Are Not Made by Small Boat Arrivals

West Faces Existential Threat If Global Illegal Migration Rules Not Tightened: Braverman

West Faces Existential Threat If Global Illegal Migration Rules Not Tightened: Braverman

15,000 Small Boats Immigrants Stopped From Crossing Channel This Year

15,000 Small Boats Immigrants Stopped From Crossing Channel This Year

800 Percent Increase in Indian Nationals Arriving on Small Boats, Analysis Shows

800 Percent Increase in Indian Nationals Arriving on Small Boats, Analysis Shows

Hotel Costs for Immigrants Rise to £8 Million a Day, Home Office Accounts Show

Hotel Costs for Immigrants Rise to £8 Million a Day, Home Office Accounts Show

Report Claims Ministers Are Being Influenced by Liberal Judges on Asylum and Terror Issues

Report Claims Ministers Are Being Influenced by Liberal Judges on Asylum and Terror Issues

Revealed: Crooked Turkish Companies Cashing in on UK’s Migrant Crisis

Revealed: Crooked Turkish Companies Cashing in on UK’s Migrant Crisis

Government Will Need Extra £2 Billion a Year to House Migrants, Watchdog Warns

Government Will Need Extra £2 Billion a Year to House Migrants, Watchdog Warns