
House of Commons

Home Office Announces Extra £31 Million for MPs’ Security

Home Office Announces Extra £31 Million for MPs’ Security

Holocaust Memorial Would be ‘Tempting’ Target for Terrorists, Says Lord Carlile

Holocaust Memorial Would be ‘Tempting’ Target for Terrorists, Says Lord Carlile

MP Accuses Media of Fuelling ‘Jew Hate’ Since Start of Israel-Hamas Conflict

MP Accuses Media of Fuelling ‘Jew Hate’ Since Start of Israel-Hamas Conflict

Speaker Pledges to Resign If Video Causes House to Lose Confidence in Him

Speaker Pledges to Resign If Video Causes House to Lose Confidence in Him

Tories Bury Commons in Votes to Keep MPs Working Through the Night Over Liberals’ Carbon Tax

Tories Bury Commons in Votes to Keep MPs Working Through the Night Over Liberals’ Carbon Tax