

IN-DEPTH: North Carolina Commissioners Vote to Remove Fluoride From Water

IN-DEPTH: North Carolina Commissioners Vote to Remove Fluoride From Water

Parents Use Too Much Fluoride for Young Children: Study

Parents Use Too Much Fluoride for Young Children: Study

America the Fluoridated

America the Fluoridated

How to Reduce Fluoride Exposure and Toxicity

How to Reduce Fluoride Exposure and Toxicity

The Bombshell Report That Could Change Our Water

The Bombshell Report That Could Change Our Water

Fluoride Lawsuit Against EPA: Alleged Corruption, Shocking Under Oath Federal Statements

Fluoride Lawsuit Against EPA: Alleged Corruption, Shocking Under Oath Federal Statements

Arsenic: A Known Contaminant in Fluoride Added to the US Water Supply

Arsenic: A Known Contaminant in Fluoride Added to the US Water Supply

Hidden Fluoride in Our Food, Medicine, and Environment

Hidden Fluoride in Our Food, Medicine, and Environment

New Studies Link Fluoride to Reduced IQ and ADHD in Children

New Studies Link Fluoride to Reduced IQ and ADHD in Children

Health Effects of Fluoride: The Science

Health Effects of Fluoride: The Science

Fluoride: A Miracle Cure for Cavities, a Poison, or Both

Fluoride: A Miracle Cure for Cavities, a Poison, or Both

Uncovering the Differences: Why Natural Fluoride and Synthetic Fluoride Are Not Created Equal

Uncovering the Differences: Why Natural Fluoride and Synthetic Fluoride Are Not Created Equal

The Renewed Scientific Opposition to Water Fluoridation

The Renewed Scientific Opposition to Water Fluoridation