

NASA’s Claim We'll Find Alien Life Isn’t Out of This World (Video)

NASA’s Claim We'll Find Alien Life Isn’t Out of This World (Video)

Ancient Aliens? Mysteries of the Salamanca Cathedral Astronaut Carving Revealed

Ancient Aliens? Mysteries of the Salamanca Cathedral Astronaut Carving Revealed

Airline Passenger Records UFO (Video)

Airline Passenger Records UFO (Video)

Hopi Legends and the ‘Flying Shields’

Hopi Legends and the ‘Flying Shields’

Buzz Aldrin Confirms UFO Sighting in New TV Show, but Not Aliens

Buzz Aldrin Confirms UFO Sighting in New TV Show, but Not Aliens

What Are the Chances of Finding Aliens in Dark Matter, Black Holes?

What Are the Chances of Finding Aliens in Dark Matter, Black Holes?

Scientists Search for Civilizations on Likely Planets

Scientists Search for Civilizations on Likely Planets

Red Rain in India May Have Alien Origin

Red Rain in India May Have Alien Origin

White House Claims No ETs

White House Claims No ETs

Skyline: Movie Trailer (Video)

Skyline: Movie Trailer (Video)

Proof of Aliens Within 25 Years, Says Senior Astronomer

Proof of Aliens Within 25 Years, Says Senior Astronomer