Remember all the recent reports saying that while the iPhone 7 won’t have an OLED display, it’s likely that Apple will come out with an OLED iPhone by 2018?
In just a few weeks, three separate reports have stated that Apple is going to use OLED displays in its flagship product, but the move might not occur as soon as you’d hope
I know that many of you out there are shouting at your computer screens after reading that headline. “Of course it makes a difference!” And you’re right — there is a perceptible difference between the most common resolutions for TVs, smartphones and computer monitors
Planar Systems, a company that you probably haven’t heard of, has presented the Planar UltraRes 98” Touch – the largest sensor 4K display in the industry.
The device is capable of recognizing up to 32 simultaneous touches and this, along with the large size, allows several users to use the display at the same time.