
animal behavior

Chimpanzees Know How to Play Fair

Chimpanzees Know How to Play Fair

Baby Sharks Freeze to Prevent Predator Detection (Video)

Baby Sharks Freeze to Prevent Predator Detection (Video)

Tiny Rainforest Spiders Build Giant Decoys

Tiny Rainforest Spiders Build Giant Decoys

SCIENCE IN PICS: Thorny Babies Onboard

SCIENCE IN PICS: Thorny Babies Onboard

Multitasking Humpback Whales Sing in Feeding Grounds

Multitasking Humpback Whales Sing in Feeding Grounds

Male Finches Fool Some Females With Fake Songs

Male Finches Fool Some Females With Fake Songs

SCIENCE IN PICS: The Lure of the Painted Frogfish

SCIENCE IN PICS: The Lure of the Painted Frogfish

Gold-Digging Termites Concentrate Minerals in Bodies and Nests

Gold-Digging Termites Concentrate Minerals in Bodies and Nests

Corals Threatened by Seaweed Signal Fish for Help

Corals Threatened by Seaweed Signal Fish for Help

Baby Fairy-Wrens Tweet Incubation Password for Food

Baby Fairy-Wrens Tweet Incubation Password for Food

Cockatoo Can Make His Own Tools (Video)

Cockatoo Can Make His Own Tools (Video)

Trial and Error Helps Bumblebees Choose Shortest Routes

Trial and Error Helps Bumblebees Choose Shortest Routes

Flightless Raptor Ate Flying Dinosaurs

Flightless Raptor Ate Flying Dinosaurs

British Wood Ants To Be Tracked With Tiny Radios

British Wood Ants To Be Tracked With Tiny Radios

Less Sleep, More Offspring for Male Sandpipers

Less Sleep, More Offspring for Male Sandpipers

Sponging Dolphins Form Cultural Cliques

Sponging Dolphins Form Cultural Cliques