Federal Health Agencies Displaying ‘Willful Blindness’ About COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers: Dr. Robert Malone

Federal Health Agencies Displaying ‘Willful Blindness’ About COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers: Dr. Robert Malone
Dr. Robert Malone in Washington on June 29, 2021. Zhen Wang/The Epoch Times
Masooma Haq
Roman Balmakov
At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, senior staff at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) were incredibly frustrated with the limitations of the Vaccine Adverse Event Recording System (VAERS) and were pushing the federal government to update the system for better analysis, said Dr. Robert Malone, a biochemist and vaccinologist.

Malone, who helped develop the mRNA technology used in the COVID-19 vaccines, said he spoke regularly with federal health officials, and that at one point the agencies did test new data analysis tools.

“Unfortunately, apparently what happened repeatedly is that when better systems of data analysis or data capture were developed, they revealed things that were inconvenient truths,” Malone said in a recent interview for EpochTV’s ”Facts Matter“ program.

The new data analysis systems were never adopted because they revealed too many connections between the COVID-19 vaccines and severe adverse reactions, including myocarditis, reactivation of the shingles virus, and even death, Malone said.

The need to improve the data analysis tools was apparent to those who worked at the FDA and CDC for years before the COVID-19 pandemic, he said.

“These better data analysis tools and better data systems have been developed, tested, and revealed things that were inconvenient truths, and the response from the bureaucracy has been to shut down the program rather than to deal with the inconvenient truth,” said Malone.

Malone said the federal agencies’ response is tantamount to “willful blindness,” and that it’s intrinsic in the federal bureaucracy to deny a problem rather than deal with the political consequences of addressing it.

The FDA and CDC did not immediately respond to a request for comment on VAERS.

A screenshot of the homepage of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which is co-sponsored by the several federal health agencies. (Screenshot/The Epoch Times)
A screenshot of the homepage of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which is co-sponsored by the several federal health agencies. Screenshot/The Epoch Times

Malone said the U.S. public health agencies were finally forced to acknowledge the prevalence of myocarditis among vaccine recipients after William DuMouchel, chief statistical scientist at Oracle Health Services, identified the markers of cardiotoxicity and relayed the information to public health agencies in the United States and in Israel.

“It was so obvious that they had to concur that it was there,” Malone said.

CDC’s Data Collection Effort is Corrupted

DuMouchel also detected other signals showing the onset of shingles and other latent DNA virus reactivations, which the CDC still denies as a problem, Malone said.

“It’s revealing,“ he said. ”Their response has been to say, ‘No, we’re not going to deploy the system. We don’t want to know this information. We don’t want to have to deal with this information, because it shows we made some bad decisions in the past.’”

Malone said the CDC knew that VAERS was inadequate for surveillance but that health officials kept telling Congress and the White House that the agency had the tools to track down all adverse events and deal with them seriously.

In reality, America’s federal health agencies were relying on data from Israel, Malone said, which was already compromised by the Israeli government’s relationship with Pfizer.

“The whole system is a mess,“ he said. ”It’s compromised, it’s corrupted.”

Masooma Haq began reporting for The Epoch Times from Pakistan in 2008. She currently covers a variety of topics including U.S. government, culture, and entertainment.
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