According to a watch company CEO who has created videos supporting police, rejecting the idea of toxic masculinity, and proclaiming “womanhood is a birthright,” Google is actively censoring his ads by labeling them as “election advertising.”
“I felt it was very important for a company to take this position,” Srulovicz told The Epoch Times. “So, I put my company, Égard, behind it. We have a lot of followers and, essentially, I just wanted to start fighting the extreme type of censorship that we see today. Speak Truth was restricted almost immediately. You had to create an account to view it. Then they said we couldn’t advertise it. It was ‘political advertising.’”
According to Srulovicz, Google has now done the same thing with his video “What is a Woman.”
“If you look at the movement itself and what’s happening right now there are certain inversions of truth,” he explained. “It’s very important that people meet in the playground of reality and have discussions on things we can agree on and measure what’s real. What we’re doing right now is we’re taking things that aren’t based in reality, things based on how we feel, and we’re saying that has higher value than reality. There are consequences to that.
“I feel like it’s just on a downward spiral and so I felt the need again to speak up,” he explained. “I noticed again that there were no companies that were willing to show this side of the conversation. It’s very one-sided, and if you speak out in any way, shape, or form against the mainstream viewpoint you’re attacked for it. I think until people are willing to open that door, you’re not going to see other companies do it. You’re not going to see media do it. You’re not going to see people feel comfortable saying what they really believe outside. That was the motivation behind this.”
“What is a Woman” begins with a full-screen look into the eyes of a young female. Then comes the grainy black-and-white footage of a female athlete being awarded a gold medal. There is a female runner and a female swimmer. Newspaper headlines, celebrating the achievements of “non-binary” and “transgender women” in women’s sports, fade in and out. “Biden Amin Replaces ‘Mothers’ with ’Birthing People' in Maternal Health Guidance,” is superimposed over an image of a mother in a hospital bed holding her newborn child. The female narrator asks, “What is a woman. Is a woman a history of achievements being erased?”

According to Srulovicz, the left’s push for transgender rights has nothing to do with equality. It is “a cleverly-crafted lie that comes at the expense of women,” and anyone who dares to say otherwise is immediately attacked and censored by the controlling powers on the left. Srulovicz shared two screenshots of notifications from Google informing him that his ad had been rejected and deemed “not eligible” for promotion because it violated Google policy. The ad, proclaiming that “womanhood is a birthright,” was labeled as “election advertising.”

“Everyone should have an equal opportunity to share their viewpoint,” Srulovicz asserted. “I guarantee you, if I did the opposite in the commercial and was really heavily pushing against the idea of gender roles there would be no issues with that ad whatsoever. The fact that I’m celebrating women and womanhood in the way I am, politically incorrect and against the mainstream narrative, it is censored right away and labeled as ‘election advertising.' It’s not the first time we’ve seen this kind of thing. We have over 50,000 subscribers. Ever since we started putting out these ads, the engagement is very high among those who have seen the ads. But because it’s shadowbanned, they are unable to share it with others. It doesn’t come up in searches. They do whatever they can to limit viewership and it’s hard to advertise because we are severely limited in the avenues we can use. It’s censorship. They’re coming up with bogus reasons to prevent me from getting large viewerships.”

“It was a trend I was noticing at the time and the Gillette ad was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back,” Srulovicz explained. “So, I made this ad myself. I didn’t have much support at the time. People around me and people at my company were nervous about the response it would get. But I needed to do it.”

What is curious is how a video that received over 410,000 views in its first 72 hours would only be credited with less than 117,000 additional views over the next year and three months.

“The ultimate goal of the videos has been to raise awareness of these important issues,” Srolovicz said. “But these videos have also brought an increase in sales to our company, which we are proud to talk about, because we hope it sets an example for other companies, that they too can put out messages like this and have success with it. We received tens of thousands of supportive emails in response to our pro-police campaign.”

Srulovicz doesn’t plan his videos. He said inspiration comes during those times when the world can see someone being attacked yet everyone seems too afraid to do anything about it. Mandates and government overreach, those are a big deal for him. In the wake of COVID-19, Srulovicz said there has been a “huge shift in the way we perceive virtues in society.” To him, “safety” seems to have become the greatest virtue.
“We’ve done away with virtues that are historically necessary in order for a society to flourish, virtues such as courage, freedom, fortitude, and being able to stand in the face of adversity,” he reflected. “Now we’ve taken safety, which is actually the antithesis of those virtues, and said ’this is the most important thing.'” In the meantime, fear of becoming a target in the war of cancel culture has created a compliant society that is “just sitting back and allowing it to happen” because they are too afraid to speak up and have a voice.
The Epoch Times reached out to Google for comment.