The EU seeks a partnership with the United States “to defend our values and our interest” within the transatlantic community against China.
Pompeo hopes that this initiative to preserve “our free societies, our prosperity, and our future” will be kicked off in a few weeks and will continue for an extended period of time.
Confronting the threats posed by the CCP does not mean that countries “have to choose business over confronting the Chinese Communist Party,” Pompeo said, but “the ruleset on which that trade engages has to be reciprocal” and fair.
Both the United States and the EU have a big trade relationship with China. “It’s a market of a billion-plus people,” said Pompeo.
An example of the CCP unfair practices is intellectual property theft that takes place in Germany, across Europe, and in the United States, said Pompeo.
“The hardworking German people created that intellectual property, worked hard for that intellectual property, built that, protected it in their system, and the Chinese came and stole it.”
The prosperity of the transatlantic world owes much to the protection of intellectual property, Pompeo added.

China has access to the Western capital market in ways Western countries cannot access Chinese capital markets, Pompeo said.
“Engaging and cooperating with China is both an opportunity and a necessity. But, … we have to recognize that we do not share the same values, political systems, or approach to multilateralism. We will engage in a clear-eyed and confident way, robustly defending EU interests and standing firm on our values,” President of the European Council, Charles Michel said after the summit.
Threats Posed by the CCP
Pompeo described several threats posed by the Chinese communist regime that can challenge free societies.One of them is breaking international commitments by the Chinese Communist Party including those to the World Health Organization, the World Trade Organization, the United Nations, and the people of Hong Kong.
Predatory economic practices such as coercing nations to use 5G services offered by Chinese company Huawei, “an arm of the Chinese Communist Party’s surveillance state,” threatens people’s freedoms and privacy rights.
Violations of European sovereignty by the CCP, “including its browbeating of companies like HSBC,” is also considered a threat, Pompeo said.

That move has drawn criticism from the U.S. and UK governments for supporting the crushing of political dissent in Hong Kong and from the CCP for its reluctant and delayed support of the security law as well as the bank’s previous efforts in cooperating with the United States.
Can the EU Stand Up to the CCP?
The EU and the United States need to first agree on the shared understanding of the core facts that constitute this threat, and then both the EU and the United States “can begin to take action,” Pompeo said.He predicts that there may be different views on this issue, especially among business communities. They may not want to confront the CCP because they make money in China and will accept doing business with it based on conditions set by the CCP.
“I don’t accept that argument. There is no compromise between freedom and authoritarianism,” Pompeo said.
Pompeo believes that Europeans have every incentive to demand from the CCP reciprocity and fair treatment. They should not bow to the CCP because China is a billion-people market, he explained. The United States told the CCP to stop stealing their intellectual property.

The G7 group has already condemned China’s national security law targeting Hong Kong. The UK has strongly opposed this attempt to undermine Hong Kong’s autonomy.
The Czech Republic ”has led the charge in encouraging countries” to allow only trusted 5G service providers and suppliers in their networks, Pompeo said.
“The United States is not forcing Europe to choose between the free world or China’s authoritarian vision. China is making that choice between freedom and democracy,” Pompeo said.