Clint Eastwood’s Son Has Grown Up to Look Exactly Like the Hollywood Icon

Clint Eastwood’s Son Has Grown Up to Look Exactly Like the Hollywood Icon
(L: Getty Images | Keystone, R: Getty Images | Frazer Harrison)
Like father, like son. Clint Eastwood is famous for his acting roles, of course, but also for his rugged good looks. Eastwood became an icon of masculinity after roles in Rawhide and the Dirty Harry film series, and still flies the flag for All-American cowboy charm to this day.

And it turns out, the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree!

Eastwood has seven children, and as they’ve grown, the world has quietly wondered whether any of the Hollywood icon’s brood would emulate his devilish good looks. Well, prepare to be gratified: Eastwood’s youngest son, Scott, is the spitting image of his father.

Scott, 32, was raised in Hawaii by his mother, Jacelyn Reeves, and has followed in his father’s footsteps not only in the looks department but also in his choice of career. Scott is a professional actor who is making a name for himself in his own right. He has starred in a number of movies, including Gran Torino, The Longest Ride, Suicide Squad, and The Fast & the Furious. Do we spy a theme, here? It seems Scott is also drawn to action and drama, much like his father has been throughout his glittering career.

Scott’s professional life isn’t limited to acting, either: he is also a model, and additionally finds the time to be a professional skydiver! Scott is conscientious about his health, and maintains his enviable physique by working out at the gym, and surfing.

Photos of Scott posted on his Instagram account are uncanny. To the untrained eye, the viewer may as well have traveled back in time and be looking at a young Clint living his best life among the Hollywood milieu. In fact, a grown-up Scott looks exactly like his father in the Rawhide years: Rawhide aired when Clint Eastwood was 29, just three years younger than his youngest son today.

The elder Eastwood, now 88, has branched away from tough-guy movie roles and towards directing and producing in recent years.

Scott himself is very aware of the uncanny family resemblance. He also has a charming sense of humor about it: he once dressed up as his father in his younger, rugged cowboy years for a Halloween charity event, to the delight of the other guests, as well as the internet, who saw the evidence!

Scott’s Instagram account is awash with comments about the similarity between father and son. One enthusiastic fan even commented: “Wow! You are your dad.”
A young Clint Eastwood (©Getty Images | <a href="">Roy Jones</a>)
A young Clint Eastwood (©Getty Images | Roy Jones)
Are we seeing double? Scott Eastwood, in 2009 (©Getty Images | <a href="">GABRIEL BOUYS/AFP</a>)
Are we seeing double? Scott Eastwood, in 2009 (©Getty Images | GABRIEL BOUYS/AFP)

Luckily for the look-a-likes, Scott and his father have a wonderful relationship. They are often pictured together and fully support each other’s professional pursuits. You‘d be forgiven for thinking that the elder Eastwood has given his son a boost or two to get where he is in the film industry, but you’d be wrong. Evidently, Scott’s father is a tough guy both on and off the screen!

“My father’s definitely old-school,” Scott admitted to Esquire, “and he raised me with integrity—to be places on time, show up, and work hard.”
“I couldn’t be more proud of him,” Scott added, fondly. Two acting giants with identical looks and mutual respect: truly, two peas in a pod.
Take a minute to enjoy this video below: Are you team Clint or team Scott? The jury’s out!