Whether it’s a hot Colorado summer or a cold United Kingdom winter, the misery of “green” policies becomes an everyday reality as hapless consumers are denied access to energy. When state lawmakers and energy providers choose to increase “renewable” technologies in their energy mix, the inevitable results are grid instability, power shortages, higher prices, and a whole lot of blackout-driven chaos.
Is this the new normal that the governing elites of our world want us to embrace? Then we must accept the denial of a basic necessity in modern society—affordable and available energy.
Xcel said that this affected only customers who signed up for a special rewards program that gives cash incentives to consumers, who are free to opt out of it. While the voluntary nature of the program makes it less than authoritarian, the mindset of our energy masters is unsettling, nonetheless.
The truth is that Xcel’s rationing of energy is not a weather problem, but rather a result of the utility’s embrace of the foolishness of replacing economical and plentiful fossil fuels with so-called renewable energy sources that are ill-suited for making electricity for large populations.
So, what we have is a threat of millions of customers across the country heading toward energy shortages because of their providers’ aversion to fossil fuels and willful blindness to the risks of sacrificing energy security to a faux climate emergency.
Perhaps most disturbing is that the misbegotten global movement to decarbonize the energy sector is still in its infancy. Given the pain already inflicted on consumers, a fully developed “energy transition” will impose a dearth of energy of unimaginable proportions. In regions like many in Africa, this means that economic growth will be stopped before it starts. In developed countries, citizens will take giant steps backward in lifestyle and some will sink into poverty.
Humankind has made great strides at great costs during the past few centuries to reach the current state of energy abundance that civilization enjoys. Elite policy makers are reversing this progress by denying people the energy they need to prosper and even to survive.