Former U.S. intelligence official Nicholas Eftimiades, who has over two decades of experience in the field, said the U.S. government must develop a solid strategy and articulate its goals when it comes to the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) malign influence at all levels of U.S. government and institutions.
The propaganda disseminated by the CCP in the United States is widespread and obvious, but the CCP’s secret influence is also remarkable, said Eftimiades.
These undercover efforts include corporate campaigns, repressing pro-democracy organizations at the state level, and the collection of intelligence about local and national politicians, Eftimiades said.
“It’s like nothing the United States has faced before,” he said.
Eftimiades explained the concept of encirclement, in which the CCP recruits academicians, businesses, politicians, and civic organizations to surround a political target so the CCP can exert influence over the target to benefit the CCP.
The CCP also exerts influence within colleges and universities via the Confucius Institutes, limiting speech and discussion about anything that is not favorable to China, he said.
TikTok Data Collection
Chinese social media company TikTok, which is used by millions of young people, is also a tool the CCP uses to harness massive amounts of data on users and exercise control, said Eftimiades.China’s data collection program is a “whole of society campaign,” he said.

The United States must use a multiprong approach to combat the CCP’s malign influence, including reaching out to Chinese scholars and students who are studying here, said Eftimiades.