Hong Kong National Security Bureau Accuses Pro-Democracy Group of ‘Subverting State Power’ and Will Make Arrests

Hong Kong National Security Bureau Accuses Pro-Democracy Group of ‘Subverting State Power’ and Will Make Arrests
Elmer Yuen speaks to The Epoch Times on Oct. 25, 2021. (Hiroshi Nogami/The Epoch Times)
Screenshot of Victor Ho (L) and Elmer Yuen (R) at the Hong Kong Parliament press conference on July 27, 2022. (Screenshot via YouTube/Epoch News HK )
Screenshot of Victor Ho (L) and Elmer Yuen (R) at the Hong Kong Parliament press conference on July 27, 2022. (Screenshot via YouTube/Epoch News HK )

Hong Kong pro-democracy figures announced the establishment of the Hong Kong Parliament (HKP). HKP plans to organize a poll in 2023 for Hong Kongers around the world to choose their international spokespersons. Hong Kong Security Bureau (HKSB) condemned HKP founders for allegedly violating the National Security Law and subverting state power. The Bureau stated that HKP’s founders will be arrested and prosecuted.

Scholars believe the Hong Kong Government (HKgov) is overreacting, and by making it a big deal, they are promoting HKP indirectly.

On July 27, HKP’s Preparatory Committee announced the founding of the Hong Kong Parliament at a press conference in Canada.

HKP’s committee members currently include three chairmen:
  • Victor Ho Leung-Mau is the Chairman of the Organizing Committee. Ho is a former editor-in-chief of the Canadian British Columbia edition of Sing Tao Daily.
  • Baggio Leung Chung-hang will be Chairman of Public Relations. Leung is a former member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council (LegCo). Leung lost his seat in 2016 after his oath-taking was ruled invalid. Leung later declared himself in exile in the United States in December 2020.
  • Elmer Yuen Gong-yi, also known as Papa Yuen, will act as Chairman of International Affairs. Yuen is a commentator who has been vocal politically since the anti-extradition protest in 2019.
At the conference, HKP’s Committee hoped to organize a poll by 2023. With “one person one vote,” Hongkongers everywhere can elect their own international spokespersons.
Elmer Yuen mentioned his lobbying of foreign governments. “Every country should recognize Hongkongers’ rights to a sovereign referendum. It is in the United National Declaration.”

Security Bureau Claims Subverting State Power

On Aug. 3, HKSB condemned the three chairmen for setting up HKP overseas. The Bureau also accused the group of violating Article 22 of the Hong Kong National Security Law (NSL) for subversion of state power.
The Bureau stated, “The Hong Kong Police Force will pursue the suspects, issue warrants, and make arrests. We also urge the public to sever ties with any person violating NSL and all illegal activities organized by HKP.” The authorities warned if the public fails to do so, they might have legal consequences.

Daughter-in-law Quits Family to Support CCP

On the same day, Eunice Yung Hoi-yan, LegCo councilor of the pro-CCP New People’s Party, criticized her father-in-law’s new organization online. “Hong Kong Parliament, without a doubt, is a premeditated and malicious organization toward HKgov.”

She added, “The group plans to subvert government functioning and undermine its administration. “I fully support the authorities to set examples and crack down on any illegal acts according to Article 37 of the National Security Law.”

Yuen also urged the public to draw a line with the illegal organization.

Former People’s Power Chairman Yuen Yi-Ming and scholar Yuen Yi-Chong are his children. Eunice Yung is Elmer Yuen’s daughter-in-law, a Pro-CCP LegCo member who is married to Yuen’s son.

To make her reproach official, Eunice Yung denounced her father-in-law in an advertisement on pro-CCP news outlet Oriental Daily.

On the A23 page, her advertisement was titled “The Righteousness of a Nation, I am Renouncing My Father-in-law.”

Yung declared, “I, Eunice Yung Hoi-Yuen, bleed the blood of the great motherland, as a loyal Chinese. In the name of the nation’s righteousness, I respect the allegation made by the National Security Bureau. Mr. Elmer Yuen might have subverted the state power. I, hereby, renounce Mr. Yuen as my father-in-law.“

Yung’s “Declaration” Raised Eyebrows in the Community

(L) Photo of Eunice Yung Hoi-yan wishing everyone a happy Father’s Day on Facebook in 2022, ( R ) Photo of Yung’s advertisement on Oriental Daily to renounce her father-in-law, Elmer Yuen Gong-yi on Aug.5, 2022. (Eunice Yung Hoi-yan/Facebook via The Epoch Times)
(L) Photo of Eunice Yung Hoi-yan wishing everyone a happy Father’s Day on Facebook in 2022, ( R ) Photo of Yung’s advertisement on Oriental Daily to renounce her father-in-law, Elmer Yuen Gong-yi on Aug.5, 2022. (Eunice Yung Hoi-yan/Facebook via The Epoch Times)

In an interview with The Epoch Times, Scholar Wong Kwok-wai stated that Yung used renouncement as a tactic to show CCP political loyalty.

Wong, however, said Yung being an attorney, her actions were unprofessional. It also makes her legal qualification and abilities questionable.

Wong also doubted whether Yung had asked for her husband’s approval before publishing the advertisement.

Wong was concerned. “If in the future, NSB investigates Elmer Yuen, Yung Hoi-yan might be held accountable. She might even become the regime’s snitch. Who knows?”

When asked whether HKP can be a national security threat to HKgov, Wong had a firm analysis. “Under NSL, anyone, from anywhere who challenges HKgov, its power, or requests sanctions from other countries, can be arrested.”

Wong, however, was uncertain if there was enough evidence for HKgov to decide HKP has violated any law. “Hong Kong Parliament cannot threaten Hkgov’s security, or influence its policy administration. There is no evidence of them doing so. This is just the government overreacting, and in a way, indirectly helps promote HKP.”

National Security Law Is Laughable

Hong Kong Parliament responded to the NSB’s statement. The group argued the so-called NSL and HKgov were never approved by real Hongkongers.
HKP also clapped back that it is an honor to be wanted by the Hong Kong Police and they will not bow down to the regime. “We will keep doing our diligence to create a parliament that truly represents Hongkongers.”

Elmer Yuen Responded: the Witch Hunt Has Begun

On Facebook Live, Yuen did not seem surprised by what his daughter-in-law had published. “This is exactly what the CCP would do—to separate you from your family and have them snitch on you. It is just like the Cultural Revolution.” Yuen also said that this would have never happened in Hong Kong in the past.

Yuen also emphasized that political persecution, a classic move of CCP, has begun. He warned his listeners that the regime will do anything to force families to turn on each other.

Hong Kong businessman Elmer Yuan in Laurel, Maryland on June 25, 2020. (York Du/The Epoch Times)
Hong Kong businessman Elmer Yuan in Laurel, Maryland on June 25, 2020. (York Du/The Epoch Times)

Snitching Culture Is Part of the Cultural Revolution

Commentator Ng Chi-sum explained in his online program, “Hongkongers no longer have the freedom to be silent on their stance. You must state where your loyalty lies.”

Ng said although unsurprising, Yung’s “declaration” was still quite a shock.

During the Cultural Revolution, it was couched that no one could be closer to you than Chairman Mao. Not even your mom and dad.

Ng also highlighted that snitching and exposing family members resembled the Cultural Revolution. He said, “Brainwashed Red Guards would execute their own parents if they heard them criticizing Chairman Mao.”

Nie Law and Shan Lam contributed to this article.