Explaining the “systemic challenges,” the communiqué listed China’s “rapidly expanding” nuclear arsenal, the ruling regime’s military modernization and “publicly declared military-civil fusion strategy,” militarily cooperation with Russia, and a “frequent lack of transparency and use of disinformation.”
NATO called on China’s leaders “to uphold its international commitments and to act responsibly in the international system, including in the space, cyber, and maritime domains, in keeping with its role as a major power.”
This is the first time that NATO has clearly named the Chinese regime as an adversary.
The concerted action saw Beijing express its disapproval using its state mouthpieces CCTV and the Global Times, which published a series of articles to slander NATO and G-7 in the past three days.

‘Important Progress’
China experts independent of the CCP welcomed the communiqués, saying that they accurately represented the CCP’s actions that have caused damage to many countries and the international community. This is something that Beijing doesn’t want others to realize, they warned.“The communiqués really hit on the points that the Chinese Communist Party regime doesn’t want to be discussed. It made the CCP lose its sanity and behave like a loose cannon,” Chen Kuide, editor-in-chief of Princeton-based magazine China In Perspective, told The Epoch Times in a phone interview on June 15.
Prof. Feng Chongyi, a China expert at the University of Technology, Sydney, in Australia, told The Epoch Times, “The G-7 and NATO listed the series of threats from the CCP in their communiqués … This amounts to announcing that a global alliance has been formed against the CCP ... it is important progress.”
Feng explained that the fundamental purpose of NATO is against communism’s tyranny and provocation, which not only harms the people living in communist countries but also damages the free world.
“The communiqués’ clearly discussions about the CCP means that these democracies have realized the risks and danger that the CCP presents to the world,” Feng said. “Finally, they have acknowledged that the CCP is threatening the democratic system, the values of democracy and freedom, and the entire liberal international order.”
Doong Sy-chi, deputy chief executive of Taipei-based Taiwan Thinktank, also praised the communiqués in a phone interview with The Epoch Times.
Restrain China’s Militarization

Both Feng and Doong said they believe the statements from NATO and the G-7 are to prevent the regime in China from taking further military adventures.
“They want to stop the CCP trying to claim Taiwan by force, and restrain the CCP’s ongoing militarization in the South China Sea,” Feng said.
“NATO and G-7 are warning the CCP to stop its expansion,” Doong said. “We see that the CCP has also expanded its influence by investing in other countries’ infrastructure and using vaccine diplomacy.”
Chen added, “The CCP’s comments on the communiqués completely disregard basic diplomatic etiquette, having been made by a regime without a conscience.”
He said he doesn’t believe the CCP will retaliate against NATO and G-7 with any solid action.