The Center for Disease Control (CDC) released new guidance on Wednesday urging Americans to take steps to improve their masks and their fit to “prevent getting and spreading COVID-19.”
White House press secretary Jen Psaki had earlier in the day referred to a new CDC study that compared the effectiveness of double masking with a cloth and surgical mask, and knotting and tucking surgical masks.
“[T]he study does show that if a person has a loose-fitting mask that they should consider options to improve that fit and this includes nose wire, knotting the ear loops on your mask, wearing a cloth mask over a medical procedure disposable mask—something we do hear quite a bit,” she said.
It found that wearing an unknotted medical mask blocked less than 50 percent of particles compared to more than 80 percent protection if both source and receiver followed the guidance.
The CDC guidelines do not recommend double masking with two surgical masks or KN95, and says that with any double masking, “make sure you can see and breathe easily.”
Walensky said research has shown that CCP virus infections and deaths have decreased when everyone in a community is required to wear masks. But with hospitalizations and deaths still elevated, it is important to make sure that people are wearing their masks effectively.
“New data released from the CDC today underscores the importance of wearing a mask correctly and making sure it fits closely and snugly over your nose and mouth,” Walensky said.

“We continue to recommend that masks should have two or more layers, completely cover your nose and mouth, and fit snugly against your nose and the sides of your face,” she added.