From organizing documents, to scheduling a meeting, to stressing over whether you will be owing money or claiming a refund, filing annual taxes can be draining for many individuals and business owners.
But the 2025 tax season can also be easier and a lot less stressful with some simple steps and approaches.
“The subject of taxes is bothersome to most people, but it doesn’t have to be,” Charles Ford, a certified public accountant (CPA) in Greenville, South Carolina, told The Epoch Times.
“Whether you are a new filer or someone who has been filing for decades, there are a number of ways and considerations that can save you money and avoid mistakes.”
While tax laws are subject to change each year, these five preliminary steps in the filing process remain the same:Ford advised using either someone local to you or a reputable firm that has been handling taxes for years, such as H&R Block.
“You hear a lot on advertisements about these tax-savings organizations who say they’re going to save you hundreds of thousands of dollars,” he said.
“We’ve seen a lot of fly-by-night people come up with those amounts, whether it’s right or not, and they’re gone after they get their money. So it’s important to have a CPA who can cut through all the gains and losses and represent what’s really happening.”
Ford said a trusted professional, especially one you have worked with long-term, can ensure you include all the necessary documents.
“A lot of clients don’t know the questions to ask,” he said. “In some cases, if they just drop off the information, I’ve done their work for so long that even if they haven’t given me all the information, I know what to look for.”
“Right now, you may be more focused on what you’ll owe or receive as a refund,” Ford said. “However, as you work through your annual tax filing, you should familiarize yourself with amounts that may have changed for 2025 due to inflation adjustments.”
New Business Ventures
Suppose you are considering opening a furniture store, beginning a construction firm, or providing a service to help families navigate senior living choices.You could choose a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability corporation (LLC), C-corporation, or S-corporation.
C-corporations are taxed on corporate income, and shareholders are taxed again for the dividends they receive from the corporation.
S-corporations avoid double taxation by passing their taxable credits, income, losses, and deductions directly to their shareholders.
Ford advised using a lawyer or a tax professional to choose the right setup, as it will affect not only your taxes, but also the structure of your business.
“The first tax return for an entity is the most important because that’s where you elect to have accrual or cash as the basis for your business,” he said. “Whichever way you choose to classify, whether accrual or cash basis, it can’t be changed later unless you get IRS permission.”
While most of Ford’s business clients are cash-based, he strongly advised against new businesses choosing an LLC “because the majority of LLCs are set up wrong.”
Investment Choices
Whether your assets are in stocks, bonds, annuities, mutual funds, 401(k) plans, profit-sharing plans, real estate, IRAs, or even Social Security supplements to some degree, knowing how best to position these funds alone and with respect to each other is critical to personal and business tax planning.Since rules governing all investments are subject to annual change, Ford recommends checking with a financial adviser or a tax preparer in order to realize optimal savings.
For instance, the limit for 401(k) or 403(b) plans is currently $23,500, with an additional $7,500 for people 50 and older.
“And new in 2025, employees age 60 through 63 can make enhanced catch-up contributions of up to $11,250, including the $7,500 standard catch-up contribution,” Ford said.
Plus, as the business landscape has noted in the past few years or so, many baby boomers are at retirement age but still in the workforce.
“But Medicare tax must be paid on all amounts earned,” Ford said.
For younger taxpayers, he suggested three long-term, tax-saving investment strategies:
The combined contribution to traditional (and Roth) IRAs is limited to $7,000 for the 2025 tax year for everyone under age 50. If you’re 50 or older, you can also contribute an additional $1,000.
“These amounts are the same as for 2024,” Ford said.
“When you get the money out, those contributions under current tax law will not be taxed, and it grows tax-free,” Ford said. “And at age 59 1/2, you can withdraw contributions and earnings without penalty as long as the Roth IRA has been open for at least 5 years.
The 2024 contribution deadline for both traditional and Roth IRAs is April 15, 2025.
“Roth contributions won’t save on income taxes, but the traditional will,” Ford said. “And if you’re contributing to a traditional IRA, you get a deduction on your taxes for that.”
Ford said that while this strategy can be beneficial if you expect to be in a higher tax bracket later in life, or if you wish to leave a tax-free inheritance to heirs, he advised to always be aware of the annual limitation on money contributed to the Roth.
“But if you can live with that limitation, then it’s a pretty good thing,” he said.
Other suggestions for tax filing include knowing whether to itemize expenses or take a standard deduction.
But whichever options or avenues you choose, Ford said the most important consideration is to use a professional tax preparer, whether paid or free of charge, to realize optimal tax savings. Put another way, don’t try to go it alone.
“Don’t pay more in taxes than you have to,” he said. “Take full advantage of all deductions and credits with tax planning, compliance, and preparation services.”