‘Be Water, Be United': Hongkongers in UK Rally Against Totalitarianism

‘Be Water, Be United': Hongkongers in UK Rally Against Totalitarianism
Fight for freedom, Stand with Hong Kong. Never forget, Never give up! Be Water! Be United! In solidarity, Benedict Rogers.Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
To mark the third Anniversary of June 12, more than 3,000 Hongkongers gathered on Parliament Square in London, attending rally “Be water, be united,” sharing their voice in the activities “Pencil Your Note.” 
Founder of "Hongkongers in Britain", an UK-wide disporaic organisation, Simon Cheng Man-Kit: Give me liberty, or give me death. (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
Founder of "Hongkongers in Britain", an UK-wide disporaic organisation, Simon Cheng Man-Kit: Give me liberty, or give me death. Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
A lady and her daughter joined the activities writing down their voice: Free Hong Kong! Freedom! (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
A lady and her daughter joined the activities writing down their voice: Free Hong Kong! Freedom! Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
Hongkongers in the UK: See you beneath “the pot.” (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
Hongkongers in the UK: See you beneath “the pot.” Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
Liberate Hong Kong, Finn Lau /攬炒巴. (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
Liberate Hong Kong, Finn Lau /攬炒巴. Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
We are Hongkongers no matter where we are, Isaac Cheng Ka-long. (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
We are Hongkongers no matter where we are, Isaac Cheng Ka-long. Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
Remember my mum has been helping to carry foods for people in mainland⋯⋯yet today we are paid back with guns to destroy us⋯⋯what an ungrateful regime (政虎: tiger of regime). (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
Remember my mum has been helping to carry foods for people in mainland⋯⋯yet today we are paid back with guns to destroy us⋯⋯what an ungrateful regime (政虎: tiger of regime). Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
Supporting lawyers facing Human Right suppression, The 29 principles. (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
Supporting lawyers facing Human Right suppression, The 29 principles. Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
We have to keep the momentum, people speak up for us only if we speak up for ourselves! (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
We have to keep the momentum, people speak up for us only if we speak up for ourselves! Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
Fight for freedom, stand with Hong Kong. (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
Fight for freedom, stand with Hong Kong. Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
I think Hong Kong people deserve freedom. (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
I think Hong Kong people deserve freedom. Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
Do you hear the people sing? (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
Do you hear the people sing? Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
Keep fighting. Never give up! (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
Keep fighting. Never give up! Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
Hongkongers, we appreciate your effort. Stay strong. We will be back. (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
Hongkongers, we appreciate your effort. Stay strong. We will be back. Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
I stand with Hong Kong, Brain (born in HK) (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
I stand with Hong Kong, Brain (born in HK) Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
Stand with Hong Kong, 勿忘初心 (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
Stand with Hong Kong, 勿忘初心 Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
Hong Kong Be Water! 612 Parliament Square. (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
Hong Kong Be Water! 612 Parliament Square. Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
習近平你食蕉!天滅共產黨!Heaven will annihilate the CCP. (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
習近平你食蕉!天滅共產黨!Heaven will annihilate the CCP. Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
辛苦所有手足,多謝你哋,極權不長久!不要善忘,光復香港!Thank you Hongkongers, totalitarianism will not last not, liberate HK! (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
辛苦所有手足,多謝你哋,極權不長久!不要善忘,光復香港!Thank you Hongkongers, totalitarianism will not last not, liberate HK! Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
沒有暴徒,只有暴政,釋放義仕。No rioters, just tyranny. Free the righteous! (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
沒有暴徒,只有暴政,釋放義仕。No rioters, just tyranny. Free the righteous! Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
極權滾蛋!暴政必亡!(Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
極權滾蛋!暴政必亡!Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
香港人:Free HK!堅持到底!加油!(Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
香港人:Free HK!堅持到底!加油!Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
光復香港,時代革命!Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of our times. (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
光復香港,時代革命!Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of our times. Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
Hong Kong is mine. Hong Konger. (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
Hong Kong is mine. Hong Konger. Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
Don't attack me from behind.  (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
Don't attack me from behind.  Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
Liberate Hong Kong. (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
Liberate Hong Kong. Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
End CCP.  (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
End CCP.  Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
End totalitarianism. Give the freedom and democracy back to Hongkongers.  (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
End totalitarianism. Give the freedom and democracy back to Hongkongers.  Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
We are like scattered stars, by linking up, we shall light up the darkest night!  (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
We are like scattered stars, by linking up, we shall light up the darkest night!  Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
人在做,天在看!香港人撐住!香港人必勝!God knows what you did. Hongkongers will win. (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
人在做,天在看!香港人撐住!香港人必勝!God knows what you did. Hongkongers will win. Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
Hongkongers: Mind the zero-covid 19 policy from Shanghai. We take care of each other! (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
Hongkongers: Mind the zero-covid 19 policy from Shanghai. We take care of each other! Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
Defeat totalitarianism. Free Hong Kong. We want true democracy. Hongkongers, add oil, don't give up. (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
Defeat totalitarianism. Free Hong Kong. We want true democracy. Hongkongers, add oil, don't give up. Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
We stand with Hong Kong! (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
We stand with Hong Kong! Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
Liberate Hong Kong. (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
Liberate Hong Kong. Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
Liberate Hong Kong! Be water, be united. (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
Liberate Hong Kong! Be water, be united. Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
Liberate Hong Kong. Revolution of our times. Hongkonger in London. (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
Liberate Hong Kong. Revolution of our times. Hongkonger in London. Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
Liberate Hong Kong. Revolution of our times.  (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
Liberate Hong Kong. Revolution of our times.  Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
We are Hongkongers. We always pay our debts. <span style="font-weight: 400;">香港人血仇自己報!</span>(Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
We are Hongkongers. We always pay our debts. 香港人血仇自己報!Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
<span style="font-weight: 400;">Never give up, for you never know when the tides will turn. </span>(Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
Never give up, for you never know when the tides will turn. Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
香港人報仇! (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
香港人報仇! Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
Liberate Hong Kong. Revolution of our times.  (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
Liberate Hong Kong. Revolution of our times.  Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
Free Hong Kong journalists!  (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
Free Hong Kong journalists!  Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
End CCP. (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
End CCP. Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
Looking forward to going back to Hong Kong (no CCP).  (Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
Looking forward to going back to Hong Kong (no CCP).  Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times
Voices from Hongkongers...(Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times)
Voices from Hongkongers...Lisa Lee, Joann Chow/The Epoch Times