Susan C. Olmstead

Susan C. Olmstead

Susan C. Olmstead writes about health and medicine, food, social issues, and culture. Her work has appeared in The Epoch Times, Children's Health Defense's The Defender, Salvo Magazine, and many other publications.


Another Benefit of the Mediterranean Diet: Reduced Risk of COVID-19

Another Benefit of the Mediterranean Diet: Reduced Risk of COVID-19

Declining Sense of Purpose in Older Adults May Be Early Sign of Dementia: Study

Declining Sense of Purpose in Older Adults May Be Early Sign of Dementia: Study

Classical Music Can ‘Sync’ the Depressed Brain

Classical Music Can ‘Sync’ the Depressed Brain

Dietary Supplements to Ease Restless Legs Syndrome: What’s the Evidence?

Dietary Supplements to Ease Restless Legs Syndrome: What’s the Evidence?

Keep It Whole! Processing Wheat Grinds Out Its Nutritional Value

Keep It Whole! Processing Wheat Grinds Out Its Nutritional Value

Managing Distress Improves Life, Health for People With Type 1 Diabetes

Managing Distress Improves Life, Health for People With Type 1 Diabetes