Robert Rook


Buy Irish and Buy Local, Says ISME

Buy Irish and Buy Local, Says ISME

Ashbourne CoderDojo Giving Children ICT Advantage

Ashbourne CoderDojo Giving Children ICT Advantage

Austrian Student Organisation to Fight Facebook in Irish Courts

Austrian Student Organisation to Fight Facebook in Irish Courts

International Tourism Delegates get Taste of Irish B&B

International Tourism Delegates get Taste of Irish B&B

Irish Teenagers Suffering from Body Image Issues

Irish Teenagers Suffering from Body Image Issues

Smithfield Horse Market Under Pressure

Smithfield Horse Market Under Pressure

Young People in Europe at Risk of Social Exclusion and Poverty

Young People in Europe at Risk of Social Exclusion and Poverty

Irish Households Struggling to Pay Children’s Education

Irish Households Struggling to Pay Children’s Education

Mid West Region to Develop Sustainable Energy Policy

Mid West Region to Develop Sustainable Energy Policy