Paul E. Alexander

Paul E. Alexander

Dr. Paul Elias Alexander is a COVID-19 consultant researcher in the US-C19 research group. He was formerly an assistant professor at McMaster University in evidence-based medicine and research methods; a COVID pandemic evidence-synthesis consultant-adviser to WHO-PAHO Washington; and senior adviser on COVID pandemic policy at Health and Human Services. He was appointed in 2008 at WHO as a regional specialist/epidemiologist in Europe's regional office in Denmark, worked for the government of Canada as an epidemiologist for 12 years, was appointed as the Canadian in-field epidemiologist (2002–2004), and worked from 2017 to 2019 at Infectious Diseases Society of America as the evidence synthesis meta-analysis systematic review guideline development trainer. Dr. Alexander holds masters level study from York University Canada, and a masters in epidemiology from the University of Toronto, a masters in evidence-based medicine from the University of Oxford, and a doctorate in evidence-based medicine and research methods from McMaster University in Canada.