National Science Foundation


Before Dinosaurs’ Era, Volcanic Eruptions Triggered Mass Extinction

Before Dinosaurs’ Era, Volcanic Eruptions Triggered Mass Extinction

Telescopes in Antarctica and Chile Discover Bursts of Star Formation in the Early Universe

Telescopes in Antarctica and Chile Discover Bursts of Star Formation in the Early Universe

National Science Foundation Celebrates Inauguration of Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile

National Science Foundation Celebrates Inauguration of Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile

How to Thrive in Battery Acid and Among Toxic Metals

How to Thrive in Battery Acid and Among Toxic Metals

Autonomous Machine Designed to Make Over-Ice Travel Safer by Using Radar to Search for Crevasses

Autonomous Machine Designed to Make Over-Ice Travel Safer by Using Radar to Search for Crevasses

Incoming! Then Outgoing! Waves From Russian Meteor Crossed the US

Incoming! Then Outgoing! Waves From Russian Meteor Crossed the US