Mike Gaworecki


Website: news.mongabay.com


Mangrove Forests Need Protecting According to UN Study

Mangrove Forests Need Protecting According to UN Study

Study Finds Forest Soil Releases Carbon For Decades

Study Finds Forest Soil Releases Carbon For Decades

New Confirmed Bird Species in Indonesia

New Confirmed Bird Species in Indonesia

New Monkey Species Found In Threatened Amazon Forest

New Monkey Species Found In Threatened Amazon Forest

Somali Charcoal: Funding Terrorism Through Deforestation

Somali Charcoal: Funding Terrorism Through Deforestation

Biofuels Hurting Environment, More Than Helping

Biofuels Hurting Environment, More Than Helping

Changing California Forests May Help Us Prepare for the Future

Changing California Forests May Help Us Prepare for the Future

Environmental Activists Criticize Paper Mill in Indonesia

Environmental Activists Criticize Paper Mill in Indonesia

Deforestation on Amazon Rivers Has Lasting Impacts

Deforestation on Amazon Rivers Has Lasting Impacts

Pygmy Elephants Lose Forest to Palm Oil Plantations

Pygmy Elephants Lose Forest to Palm Oil Plantations