Mike Fredenburg
Mike Fredenburg
Mike Fredenburg writes on military technology and defense matters with an emphasis on defense reform. He holds a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering and master's degree in production operations management.


Necessities of War Drive Battlefield Innovation

Necessities of War Drive Battlefield Innovation

Despite 400 Percent Cost Increase and Poor Reliability, F-35 Approved for Increased Production Rate

Despite 400 Percent Cost Increase and Poor Reliability, F-35 Approved for Increased Production Rate

Are Boeing’s Failures Linked to Embracing Diversity Benefit Myths?

Are Boeing’s Failures Linked to Embracing Diversity Benefit Myths?

Can $60.84 Billion Aid Package Shift Ukraine’s War Trajectory?

Can $60.84 Billion Aid Package Shift Ukraine’s War Trajectory?

Are COVID-19 Mandates Partly Responsible for Boeing Safety Issues?

Are COVID-19 Mandates Partly Responsible for Boeing Safety Issues?

Battleship USS New Jersey Repairs Help Preserve Option to Reactivate It!

Battleship USS New Jersey Repairs Help Preserve Option to Reactivate It!