Kevin Shelley is a licensed occupational therapist with over 30 years of experience in major health care settings. He is a health columnist for The Epoch Times.
Kevin Shelley is a licensed occupational therapist with over 30 years of experience in major health care settings. He is a health columnist for The Epoch Times.
Extra pounds during the holiday season is one of the gifts few people want. These exercises can help return those unwanted pounds and make you holiday healthy.
Avoiding falls are a challenge as we grow older and the sensory system inside our inner ears grows weaker. These exercises help us stay upright and balanced.
Winter often means less exercise and more inside time, which can dampen your mood. These simple exercises can help keep you perky when temperatures drop.
It’s not uncommon for our shoulders to lose range of motion as we age, but it doesn’t have to be this way. These exercises can help preserve shoulder range.
Many people neglect their core musculature, allowing it to grow ever weaker with the passage of time. Consistent exercises can change this and keep you strong.